Red Carnation Part 8 (NSFW) (End)

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Crosspost from Ao3

Chapter 8 Act 7 (p84)

It took three weeks.

Three whole weeks to find and lure that Wei-girl out from hiding. But finally they had her. Brett almost couldn't contain his excitement. Eddy was healing up very, very nicely and was almost top fit by now. Only a mere few weeks of non strenuous activity, like going overboard with killing or workouts, and he would be cleared to be on the field again.

He got a message on his phone that they put her in one of the institution's vans, ready to be transported to them.

He instantly messaged Eddy that he should come into his office - Eddy was being nice once again and getting food for them. It was almost 8pm, so the café was only filled with known faces. He wanted to see her reaction upon entering the basement where her little, but useless helper was in, as he promised Eddy. They would transfer her a bit later to another room so that could be cleaned up. Eddy might get the kill, but the torture was his. His alone.

Of course he would step back after he was satisfied to let Eddy have her too, especially the kill but he wanted something from her as well. Not only information, but the satisfaction of seeing her face and then the moment of realisation that she would not get out of it alive. That small moment when the light dimmed in their eyes and something broke in them. Brett was still a killer, and he loved those moments. He loved them differently than he loved Eddy, surely, but he couldn't help but envision sometimes: his lover, bound and gagged in the basement, and then this moment. Of course he would never do it, but two of his most loved things together? Yes.

Yes. Yes.

He shook his head to clear some of his thoughts. Eddy felt good enough now, he rarely had flares of pain anymore and was gently doing some very light workouts. They still had no sex as of yet. Brett wanted the green light from the doctors. Dr. Shibari was a nuisance, still, but he learned very quickly that Eddy was nothing he could try out, so the relationship was a strict doctor-patient one at this point. Which Brett liked more. It was hard to get a different doctor and they always needed ones.

A knock on the door, and Eddy stepped in with a bag of takeout and a blissful, unaware smile. The Australian chill was beginning to settle in, and while it certainly wasn't as cold as other cities, it was cold enough for Eddy to bundle himself up in layers. He set the bags down by Brett's desk, taking his scarf off and draping it over the cushioned chair.

"You said that you had important news?" He hummed, pulling out the boxes of food and setting it down - he was careful to not spill anything over the papers on the desk. "What is it?"

"Yes, but I don't want to spoil the food. Let's eat first, then I will tell you. Don't worry, it's good news." Brett eyed the take out containers - he had sent out Eddy to get what he wanted and so far, he came home with the same containers every time - the one chinese place they went weeks ago. And yes, it was that again. But the quality of the food was good, the portions nice and now that he was the owner of it - not that Eddy knew this - he would strive to amp it up. Better ingredients were bought on his behalf while the prices were stable. Brett pushed his laptop and documents aside and opened the container Eddy placed in front of him.

"Hmmm, chicken with vegetables and fried rice. Almost as good as hotpot. On that note, we should eat hotpot the next time. Maybe tomorrow or the day after that. What are your thoughts on that?"

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