Sugar and Spice - Genderbent-AU / Semi-SFW

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HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!!! Have a wonderful holiday and I wish you lots of love, presents and health!

also beta-ed by the wonderful Heathrowliss <3 Thank youuuuu! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sugar and Spice

The morning was brisk, like most mornings were at this time, but not nearly as cold as it could've been, given that they lived in Australia. Australia was as hot as the hell itself, even during the typical winter holidays. It might not be like the song 'White Christmas' - which was a questionable name for a song anyway - but it was still the Christmas season. The one that Edwina has always been excited for, she even started putting the christmas tree up in early December. She wasn't a complete holiday psycho that puts the decorations up two months in advance, and yes, she saw people do it. It was crazy, she even considered it an insult to all the other holidays that came before. One should never decorate that early, the first of the month was the perfect time to do it. So here she was, on the second day of december, working on decorating the rest of the cozy little apartment that she shared with her significant other. What she was up to though, Edwina didn't know. She was too busy arranging garlands on their mantle, it was going to be a nice place to put all the family cards once she was done.

The significant other was not in a festive holiday mood whatsoever. Instead she was holding back the tears of anger and resentment when she left the store she got last minute candles from. Edwina asked her to get these, so she did it. Brettany was not a monster even though she felt like one. Her girlfriend was in such a good mood, she couldn't stand it.

She passed a bench and in a split second decided to sit down. Now it's been eight months since her parents kicked her out and she was staying as a leech at her girlfriend's place. Well, not really a leech, but still. Tears welled up, but she angrily wiped them away. Those assholes were not worth her tears, but they came anyway. Brettany pulled the dark leather cap lower and pushed the sunglasses up on her nose before pulling out her phone. She only had one picture pre-fight. The rest she mercilessly destroyed. But this one. This, the only one, was a family picture for Christmas three years ago. Things were not fine and peachy, for sure, but they were not in the dystopian state they were in now. Brettany stared at the picture. Then she swiped it right and saw the last selfie she took with her girlfriend. They both laughed, holding bubble tea in their hands, and looked really happy.

Edwina with her long flowy hair, her cute pastel pink skirt and white blouse with matching bow, her white knee-high stockings and adorable lolita shoes. With her short, messy hair, her leather jacket, the red shirt and grey five pocket jeans Brettany looked like they were from different worlds. Technically they were like that.

Edwina, her wonderful, beautiful and kind girlfriend from planet cute, and her, the tomboy from planet goth and manly.

One would think that they didn't get along very well, but their relationship improved with each passing day.

Brettany's finger hovered over the button. But instead she swiped left, back to the other picture.

A stiff family hug, her with long hair and in a long black dress, a frozen face, not even a real smile. She remembered her mother's nails on her arm, the curt "Smile!" thrown in her face right before the light flashed.

She deleted it.

By doing so she managed to gather herself up and survive the last two minutes it took her to get to the apartment complex to fall into the arms of her girlfriend .

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