The only thing I want is you Part 9 (NSFW) Creature-AU (End)

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All is lost; all we see is wall of flame behind us and the burn of the new dawn in front of us (NSFW)


You made it so far and now its the end. I hope you all enjoy the last chapter. More A/N at the end :3

Chapter Eight – All is lost; all we see is wall of flame behind us and the burn of the new dawn in front of us (NSFW)

!!! Warnings !!!


All he wanted was something to eat. He was so damn hungry. His throat was parched, his belly cramped, craving food. He blinked to open his eyes, but it hurt like hell.

His head was picked up from the ground he was lying on and something was pushed between his chapped lips. It felt soft and was surprisingly warm. A kind of liquid was suddenly in his mouth, tasting absolutely divine. He hungrily swallowed it. Then another of this most perfect meal came to him. His vision cleared after the 6th or 7th feeding. He really was lying on the hard, cold stone floor. His mouth opened automatically when he smelled the liquid drawing near. Then he also saw how he was fed. It was a big syringe, filled with a red liquid, with a silicon attachment, formed like a teat. Well, he felt weak like a baby, so it was alright with him so be fed like one.

The soft teat was pressed against his lips and he sucked it greedily in his mouth. The warm liquid was emptied in his mouth. His eyes wandered up and he saw the red haired vampire.

"Are you strong enough to activate your fangs, honey?" The voice was soothing, warm and so low it didn't hurt Eddy. She settled his head gently on the floor to free her hands and lifted one corner of his mouth.

"Just think about eating by yourself. Seeing a neck, piercing through the skin, tasting the blood." But nothing happened. Eddy was still too weak. She let go of him and gave him another dose of the meal in the syringe.

"Don't worry about it, honey. You are probably too tired anyway. No rush here."

She continued to feed him until he could lift his head by himself, looking sluggishly around.

It was at that point she brought the unconscious male over, settling him right beside Eddy, face down. He was greeted by the sight of his back and a clean shaved neck.

Theresia helped him to press his mouth against the slowly pulsing vein.

"Just try it. If you don't succeed, its fine. We have a lot of time on hand."

But this time, Eddy could activate his fangs, feeling the pain as they broke through his soft flesh. He flinched and whined at that while big fat tears were streaming down his cheeks. It hurt so much. His whole body hurt at that point and he had no idea why or how to stop it. Every movement, be it even the smallest thing, caused a white flash of pain throughout his body. She wiped his tears away gently, position him for his first drink.

"And now, just lower your head, let gravity help you. Your fangs are super sharp, it should go in easy. And when you pierced his skin, just recede the fangs so the wounds stay open and suck to eat."

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