The Grey Scale (NSFW) Part 3 A/B/O-AU

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Chapter Three: Surprises all around, let's see what they will bring


chapter 3.
this is the last good chapter lol.

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Chapter Three – Surprises all around, let's see what they will bring

The next day was stressful for Brett. He woke up early and got to uni to prepare the rest for the lecture.

One by one his students walked in, signing the form on his desk with their name for the attendance and quickly leaving in search for a good seat.

Brett's course was never fully booked, but it was 3/4 full almost every time he taught it. Anyone who had an ambition to become a professional soloist or orchestral player knew the course offered a good opportunity for them to get an upper-hand against their other batchmates.

Brett was typing something in his laptop when he heard a gasp.

He turned his head towards the sound and what he saw made his jaw drop. There he stood: the cute little omega he had the night before, holding a pen in his hand, ready to sign his name. The omega hesitated at first, but he was able to compose himself quick enough to give a nod towards Brett as a sign of acknowledgement. He was able to scribble his name on the attendance sheet without any sign of anxiety except the soft tremor in his hand.

The alpha turned his head to the laptop again seemingly calm, but his thoughts were racing. This was not good. Well, it shouldn't be a problem if Eddy knew better than to run his mouth. But the question was, could Brett be sure? Most likely. Both of them signed a confidentiality agreement to keep their mouths shut if they ever saw each other in public. It was standard procedure. Brett had signed it when he signed the contracts for the membership and Eddy probably when he was employed.

Brett tried hard not to follow Eddy with his gaze. He even made it a point not to look where Eddy decided to sit.

So he was a uni student? Well, he had to be if he was sitting in his fucking course!

Brett took a deep breath to compose himself. It wouldn't be good if he freaked out in front of his students.

The bell rang again, signalling the start of the class. Some students hastened to get their names on the paper and move into the remaining unoccupied seats. After a few more minutes of waiting for the last bell to ring, Brett stood from his seat and took the attendance sheet. He looked through the names of his students then placed it in one of the designed folders before he turned his attention to his class.

"Hello and welcome to the Queensland Conservatorium. I am Professor Brett Yang and I am teaching the course Advanced Violin Performances. I expect nothing but the best from you. If there are any questions about the learning material or if you need help with something, please don't be shy to ask for help. Remember that I am your mentor for this year. Whether it be after school group lectures to help you to improve or one-on-one classes, just ask. I will fit you in my schedule."

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