A Hedgehogs Velocity (SFW) Part 2/12 - Magic-AU

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Chapter 2

Eddy went pale at hearing he was in Australia. Oh shit, oh shit!

This wasn't good news, not good news at all. He kinda wanted to smash his head against the table in frustration. It kinda made sense why his magic drained so quickly! This wasn't good at all. He lifted his hands and rubbed his face to try to stay calm. It didn't really help much, "In my realm we call where you live the dead heart, because magic died here centuries ago. Also because the heart of your land was technically stolen by feuding tribes and broken into fragments so the lasting magic that would be here would be with the last indigenous people and I doubt you know where they are. Otherwise the rest of it's dead because it no longer flows through the earth's veins."

Why oh why did a magic storm throw him in this devil's land?

"Uhm, okay. Well, that doesn't sound like a good thing. Uhm, yeah. But we also have no idea magic is here or real for that matter anyway, so. Oof. Well. I know a handful of indigenous people who play the didgeridoo though. Maybe that can help you?"

It seemed it was a big deal for Eddy to be stranded here. The poor man was almost white as a sheet. But after that reasoning it was not a surprise anymore.

"And wait, here in my world, there was once magic? Man I wish I could have seen that! I would be a great Harry Potter! Because magic is just a thing of fairy tales here you know."

Eddy had no clue what a Harry Potter was, and he wasn't sure if he was supposed to. That probably wasn't the thing he was supposed to be focusing on at that moment though. Brett knew some of the indigenous people and that could help, "Maybe they can help... I hope. Um, what is a Harry Potter?"

Brett shook his head at the question. What a Harry Potter was, was not really important right now, "Doesn't matter. Anyway, yeah, I can ask to meet them if you want? So you can meet up and talk about magical stuff?"

"Okay, yeah that sounds good... Gotta make sure they still believe in magic," Eddy could only hope, he only knew the tales he was told and could only hope some of it was true, "Thank you, Brett."

He sighed softly. At least the hooman was being nice to him. He let his ears fall flat against his hair, he had to try not to be miserable about being in fucking Australia! Even if the world saw them as the death place, Brett didn't know it was that deep and apparently very real to boot. Well, he couldn't help it now.

"I will ask them for you. But what if they don't believe in magic anymore? Do you... dry up of magic or something like that? I mean, what happens if you don't get back?"

"Well I'll have a drought of magic and won't be able to use it. It won't really kill me but it would be sucky. And if I don't get back, I just won't get back, I will be stuck here." The magic council would probably have Eddy's head though for so much exposure. Eddy sighed as he tilted his head to the side. It was already sucky.

"So, basically, you need to get off here as fast as you can? To go back?" Brett cocked his head and hmm-ed. Well, that was a bit sucky because the borders were closed right now, "And how fast would that need to be?"

"Well, yeah. I need to be back before the winter solstice. Mostly for hibernation and then everything else after that," Eddy licked his lips, "I just need to find a magical hotspot, somewhere. Then it should be fine."

He looked at Brett to try to see what he was thinking.

"So, you hibernate like a real hedgehog. But you said in Australia there is no magic. So you need to go outside, maybe on the mainland for this. Which is very difficult because you are no citizen and don't have anything for traveling by plane or something like this, which makes everything extremely difficult. Oh man, this is not promising at all!"

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