The Grey Scale (NSFW) Part 10 (End) A/B/O-AU

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Chapter Ten – A beam of clarity shines light in the darkest corners



Thank you for all your nice comments, votes and support.

I love each and every one of you, but this is the end.

No, I will not continue this story, no I will not write a sequel and no, I will not write a different ending.

As I told already on Instagram, I am NOT happy with the story. I hate it actually from the bottom of my heart. Especially the ending. But everything else as well. I kinda like it up until the 3. chapter. After that, it's just word-garbage from me. But it is what it is. If I ever have to touch it again, I will delete it.

I edited the EFF outta it and every time I see it, I just think "And thats what you spent your time on writing" urgh.

BUT!!!! I have great news as well.

I started a Collab with Geertwim and we will upload it the following Monday.


I will only post the first Chapter (maybe the second as well, we will see) on Wattpad.

THE REST IS AO3 EXCLUSIVE!!!!!! (well, for my account)


will post it on their account. If the story is up on the 27.7.2020 I will link it to my AO3 account.

But now, on to the last Chapter:

Chapter Ten – A beam of clarity shines light in the darkest corners

Their day was long and Eddy almost ran to Brett office after his last lecture. He hoped the other would wait for him. He knocked on Brett's office door and barged in. To his luck Brett was alone, typing something on his laptop. He looked up and raised an eyebrow while watching his mate. Eddy was out of breath, still a huge smile on his face and bounced closer after he shut the door. His eyes sparkled as he saw the still open neck with his mark. He lowered his violin case on the ground and rounded Brett's desk, sitting on his lap when Brett closed the laptop.

Eddy snuggled closer and licked and kissed over the mark.

"Daring are we today, hm?"

Brett leant back and relaxed into the back of the seat while Eddy grabbed onto his shoulders for something to hold on. He smiled and licked one last time over the mark.

"I couldn't believe my eyes."

The omega kissed Brett's sharp jawline and finally their lips met. Eddy moaned and snug his arms around Brett's neck. Tilting their heads Eddy was lost in the kiss. He didn't even notice Brett pushing the laptop away, only registered when he was lifted and laid on the desk. The last time this happened Brett tried to choke him. This time he still needed air but the situation was vastly differently and much more to Eddy's liking.

When Brett lifted his head, breaking the kiss, he whined and wrapped his legs behind Brett's waist to pull him closer.

"I know you said no funny stuff in the uni but..."

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