The only thing I want is you Part 6 (NSFW) Creature-AU

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Chapter 5: Finding a common ground is not easy in the high mountains (NSFW)

A/N:Is it Friday? That means: Update!!!

I set some thing up in that, its mostly just a little filler, but hey, you need to have that too sometimes.

Chapter 5 Finding a common ground is not easy in the high mountains (NSFW)

In the morning of the next day they were mostly talking, like Brett wanted. Renewing all the hard and soft limits, the things Brett could do, without asking beforehand, the things Eddy liked, the things he didn't liked.

Turned out he was not a big fan of being used in his sleep. Under certain circumstances it was alright, but he preferred to be awake for it. Using Eddy in his sleep as a cock-warmer on the other hand, was very much appreciated. Or just using him in the car for that exact same situation was also very, very good. And that was they were doing right now. Eddy shed his trousers and pants as soon as they left for the highway, climbing in Brett's lap and easing the already half hard dick into him.

Eddy loved the feeling of being connected with Brett. He loved it before and he loved it now. Brett took care of a new blanket for Eddy's privacy from the waist down and they had a quiet conversation about everything and nothing.

Ray was still their chauffeur, only glancing from time to time back to the couple. He was not really envious of Brett, but more of what they had together. He still had the faint taste of Eddy's absolutely divine blood in his mouth, causing him to lick his lips. Brett was such a lucky guy, he had to admit.

The whispers were so faint, not even with his advanced hearing, he could make out all the words. Snippets, yes, but not everything. At the first moan he check the rear mirror again. Eddy's neck was flushed and he trembled in Brett's arms. Seeing as Eddy didn't move, he assumed that Brett was taking the same route of action as yesterday. True enough just when Eddy jerked and a gasp left him, Brett bit into him, having his lunch. After separating Eddy mumbled something in Brett's ear and he laughed faintly. Then Eddy snuggled closer and closed his eyes, taking a nap.

Brett locked eyes with his brother and Ray turned his eyes on the road again. He would eat a big meal tonight. Probably some random human again. The thing with vampires was, they could just take a little bit, but more often or they took just one big meal every day or every other day. Ray took that most of the time. He needed at least 400 ml for a good, substantial meal which lasts him about a day. If he used magic or did any strenuous activity like fighting, flying or shadow wandering, he needed more.

The blood collected from Eddy was powerful and very filling, so Brett only took about 50 ml or even less a day. Feeding in the height of the orgasm, being connected when feeding and if the blood was freely given were all points which made the blood more valuable, so it reduced the amount of blood taken. Brett could even go as low as 20 to 30 ml if he wanted. That was why Eddy could feed him so well and without problems. Yes, he had to change a little bit of his diet, his intake of iron was doubled, on rare days even tripled to compensate that, but seeing as Brett never took the whole amount, he rarely needed it anyway. Eddy ate a lot of liver, either from a pig or from a calf, much more red meat and popped once or twice a week pills to help keeping his balance.

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