Perth's condition

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Saint's apartment...

"Saint, It hurts a little, be patient na." Zee was on medication for his wounded boyfriend with great grief and guilt.

He was very worried inside himself thinking that this had happened to his boyfriend because of him. So tears flowed from his eyes unknowingly as an expression of that concern.

"It doesn’t hurt me at all P', but why do you have tears in your eyes? I am the one who hurt here, but why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere?"

Saint asked worriedly as he looked at his boyfriend who was sitting in front of him with tears in his eyes and was putting medicine on him.

As soon as he asked that, his boyfriend stopped giving him medicine and looked at him longingly and sinfully.

"Nong Saint, yes I am hurt, but right here." He gently took Saint's hand and pressed it on to his chest.

"Can you feel it Saint? I am really hurt there. Because I am hurting you because of my possessiveness. Why do I change this way? I am not good for you, aren't I?"

So he asked because of the unspeakable suffering and guilt he felt.

"P', If you are not good to me, who else can be? Who else can cry like this in front of me like a little kid for this little wound that has befallen me?"

He held his boyfriend's cheek with his hands and teased him with a tearful smile.

"Saint!! I am not a child." When Zee heard him say that, he whined affectionately to his boyfriend as he wiped his tears on his eyes.

"Hoooo really? Are you sure?"

Saint looked down at his boyfriend's face and teased him again.

"But in your arms I have been blessed to be a child." Zee left a smile and said so and hid his face himself in the two palms of Saint's hands.

"Are you comfortable P'? Is my hand enough for you to sleep?"

As he asked that, his boyfriend pulled him to his side with his arms around his waist and hugged him as he leaned his head to Saint's chest and said,

"This is my comfortable place."

"P' Zee, Will you take me upstairs? I have a desire to see the stars." He told his lover his desire as he caressed his P's hair.

"Of course Nong."

At the Terrace...

Zee brought Saint upstairs to fulfill his  wish but it was very cold there because it was night time. So he took a blanket and wrapped himself and his lover in it and sat down to embrace him.

"Are you feel cold?" He asked Saint as he hugged him tight.

"Not in your arms." Saint said softly as he tilted his head a little and looked at Zee's face and they smiled at each other warmly, also Zee placed a gentle kiss on Saint's head.

"Look at those stars P', how beautiful are they? But why are they so far away? I want to hold it in my palms."

He admired the stars and asked his boyfriend with a little sad face.

"Because if they come to earth they will not even come close to your beauty even if they all come together." Zee said with smile.

"Hooii, very cheesy. Are you trying to be a poet?" Saint asked.

"I don’t have to be a poet to describe you. Just being your boyfriend is enough." Zee said lovingly.

"You are quite romantic person though."

Lost in your eyes🥰 season ✌Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang