Memory Loss

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"Er...... I am sorry but do I know you?"
Whith his question Perth parted his hug and seperated from Pete who was still showing the confuse look on his face.

"What?? Have you staretd your playfulness as soon as you got your consciousness? Don't kidding me Pete." Perth said jokingly, thinking Pete was playing with him.

"What? Why should I play with you? I don't even know you." Pete said, was getting a little annoyance.

"I said don't play with me. And I won't fall in to your trap." Again Perth said jokingly, still thinking he was playing.

"What the.........."

"Excuse me?? May I come in kids?"

Pete about to yelled at Perth, getting really annoyed by him. But he cut off by the doctor's sudden visit before he could shouted at the latter.

"Yes doctor, come in." Perth let the doctor in.

"How are you guys?? And Perth! Can you give us some time to check Pete?"

"Of course doctor and we are good. But he is the one who trying to fool me that he's not ok. And I'll leave him to you." He said to the doctor, turned to see his  lover and smiled at him. But Pete didn't give him any response. Instead he thought Perth is weird.

"Is he crazy or something? What a weird guy." He talked to himself under his breath while Perth was leaving the room.

After leaving the room Perth closed the  door behind him and saw his elder brother Zee and Jimmy were standing outside and discussing something seriously. And also he didn't fail to notice that there wasn't Tommy.

"Er, P', where is P'Tommy? Isn't he here?" So he went to them immediately and asked about Tommy for some reason.

"No no Perth, he was. But I don't know where did he go? Why do you ask?"
Jimmy asked him back.

"Er....... Nothing P', I am just asking." As he said this lame excuse he just left them quietly. He thought he could manage his awkwardness but Zee got him. After all he is Perth's elder brother. So he immediately found out why he asked about Tommy.

So, after quietly left the elders, atleast that's what he thought, Perth ran, searching for Tommy.

And after some times what he felt decades of searching,  he found the person who he desperately searching for.


While Perth noticed Tommy at the opposite corridor, he was busy, talking on the phone with someone desperately. And then he heard Perth's voice and cut the call immediately.

"Hey Perth! What are you doing here?" He asked with a little shaking tone.

"I was searching for you. And......why are you look scared when you notice me?" Even Tommy tried to hide his nervousness, Perth noticed it.

"Scared? Me?? Are you nuts? Why do I scared of you?"

"Were you talking with P'Saint?"

"Huh?? No....... I mean, Are you crazy? How do I talking to him even after he changed his contact number?" Tommy tried to manage the situation as much as he could. But it didn't worked out to the younger who already confirmed what he asked.

"P', I don't want to play the true or false quiz game with you. Because I already know who were you talking with. Besides, every one can nothing know about P'Saint's whereabouts in this world but you."

"Hmmmm(deep sigh), what do you want now Perth?" Tommy understood that he can't managed to escape from the younger anymore. So he surrendered in front of Perth.

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