The condition

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"Pete, if you don't want any trouble just open it." Perth warned Pete very patiently. But Pete kept refused it.

"You are testing my patience so much, you know that?" As he asked a little angrily to his friend from the opposite side of the door in a slightly harsher voice.

But even then Pete was not ready to open the door.

"You will not open the door yourself? Well let's do this. I'll count to three, so I'll break this door if you don't open the door when I say three."

Pete was a little frightened when he said this. He was afraid Perth would really break down this door.



So Perth started to count. He counted to two and his friend did not open the door but when he about to counted to three, his friend opened the door in fear.

"Ai AE!!!"

Fearing that his friend was going to break down the door in a fit of rage, he opened the door too fast. But his friend stood very casually leaning against the door.

"I thought you are going to do as you said but you are standing very cool."

He didn't even expect it from Perth.

"What?? Did you thing I am goint to break this door? This door is in my house. I'm at a loss if I break this. Are you nuts?" He said with a sneer.

Seeing his expression Pete then realized that Perth was not really angry.

"Did you pretend to be angry with me?"

Pete closed his eyes as he leaned his back against the nearby wall, groaning to himself that he could not believe he had been so easily deceived.

"What did you think then?" Perth laughed at Pete. So he then opened his eyes to see the latter.

"Oi, why did you scared me?"

When he heard his friend's voice and opened his eyes he was frightened to see his friend standing in front of him at a very short distance.

"Are you scared by me? Why are you so easily frightened to see me nowadays? Where is the Pete with that bold, bad mouth and nosy jerk I saw the first day now?" He asked with great sarcasm.

Annoyed by his words Pete tried to leave the place but the person in front of him stopped him with both his hands on the wall as he covered Pete from both side so that he could not escape.

"Ah ah, where are think you are rushing?" Perth asked him with a smirk.

"What do you want Ae?"

So he too stopped escaping and questioned him.

"You." So Perth said without hesitation.

"But.... You can't have me that easily."

He, too, changed to his old self and said so.

"So what do I do if I want to get you?"

"Hmmm...... You have to promise me in one think. It's more like a condition." He thought hard and said. But that's what he had already decided.

"You have condition?" Perth asked in surprise.


Pete just shook his head as he bit his lower lip. But that act of his was like provoking Perth. But he did not do it to seduce the latter, it is natural for him to do so when he is talking to his friends.

"So what is it?"

He asked looking at his friend's red and now reddened lip as he had been bitten.

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