I don't love you anymore🖤

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"Please Mean, please make me forget about him and what we had before."

"I promise, I will make you forget about him. Not only him, you will going to forget about everyone in this world."

I couldn't bear the pain when you begging me like that, I was so pitied for you. Because I love you that much. So I thought I want to make you the happiest person, if we were in love I would have just done it anyway. So I accepted.

"Really?? You are the best."

As soon as I accepted you jumped on me and hugged me. But unfortunately you slept in me, so I had to carried you to my car. After that we went to my room straight and I carried you in my arm again to my room.

To me, seeing you sleeping peacefully, you don't seem to do anything. So when I left you to sleep and tried to get up, you just stopped me from going and started kissing me. I tried as hard as I could to stop you but I couldn't.

You know how much I love you, how much can I control myself? I am just an ordinary person too so I kissed you back.


"Hoo, then what happend??" Pete couldn't control his curiosity so he rushed his friend.

"Be patient Pete."

"No I couldn't, I want to know what happened after that. Tell me more." Mean tried to calm down him but he lose in front of Pete's curiosity.

"Ok ok, then, while we kissed like that I noticed something strange from you."

"Strange?? What kind of strange do you talking about?" Pete got confused.

"Hmmmmm, If I had kissed you for a while more, you would have used my mouth as a toilet." Mean said as he hit on his friend's head.

"Ouch, why did you hit me?? And what do you mean by toilet??" He got even confused.

"It means you throw up while we kissed, luckily I already understood it and stopped kissing you. So your vomit which should have gone into my mouth, fell on my shirt." As soon as Mean finished talking disappointedly pete started to laughing hard. He couldn't cotrol his laughing because of the thought of vomiting on Mean.

"Is it funny for you? It would be hell for me if you threw up in to my mouth." Mean got annoyed by Pete's teasing.

"Hooo, I am really sorry my friend, but I am so happy that we didn't sleep together na. However, the thought we kissed was a little strange for me. But okay, we both didn't have sex, that's enough for me."

It was only after listening to the whole thing that he was relieved. So he got ready to sleep again with the relief as he covered the blanket on himself. But as for other it was very sad and disappointing.

"Hey what are you doing?? Didn't you go to college?" But Mean also spoke to his friend as usual without showing his disappointment.

"No, I so tired and weak for college today. so I am going to sleep." Pete said from inside the blanket.

"Hm hm as your wish but someone's call kept coming to you all night, so I attended it. It's your roommate but when he heard my voice he hung up without saying anything."

Mean said to Pete but there was no reply from the latter.

"Hey Pete! Did you hear what I said?" Mean shook Pete with blanket.

"Yeah yeah, let him be in cloud nine. I don't care about him anymore. You go gete ready for college." He said without any hesitation and it looked like he didn't really care about Perth anymore.

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