Dream comes true😊

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"What do you mean you can't pretend anymore?"

Pete could not understand anything from what Mean said. Pete looked at his friend Mean and asked, confused as he thought of his words as to what he was talking about.

"Do you still not understand? I know very well that you did not really love me, that you said you loved me because of that unthinkable incident that happened between us."

Mean has known this well since the day Pete proposed, though he has not shown anything to Pete. Because if Mean too rejects him, Pete will develop an inferiority complex within himself. Also, Mean accepted him in fear that Pete would lose hope in love.

Similarly, Pete, realizing that Mean already knew this, was throbbing with guilt like a worm falling into the fire.
So he was bowing his head in shame not being able to even see Mean's face.

"Pete! Pete! Look at me darling. What has happened now that you are bowing your head and not even looking at my face? Come on look at me."

Mean grabbed Pete's chin with one hand as he held the steering wheel with another and turned his face to his side, making Pete look at himself.

But when Mean looked at him, Pete's face looked very pale like he is about to cry in any minute.

"Oohhhooo, who are you?? Where is the Pete who has a most beatiful face?" Mean teased his friend for cheering him on, no matter how much pain was in his heart.

"Mean, why are you doing this?? If you are  pretending like nothing happens, do you think I believe you're happy?? I am well aware that you are doing this just to comfort me. How great a betrayal have I done to you? How can you think of my comfort even now?"

Pete was angry with his friend in that unending depression.

"What else do you expect me to do??"

The road they were on was quiet with no people or vehicles. So Mean put his car in automatic mode and turned to Pete and asked.

"Do what you want to do, scold me, beat me, curse me, do whatever you want. The pain you are going to give me is in no way greater than the pain I gave you anyway."

Pete was hurriedly saying all the worries in his heart without even looking at Mean's face.

But as for Mean, he was just looking at Pete without even saying anything and smiling.

"Ai Mean! Do you know how anxious I am talking to you? But you are smiling without getting angry at for the betrayal I did to you..."

Pete noticed that Mean was looking at him and smiling, so he was whining to him.

"You are thus whining to me like a little child. Who gets angry when they see you like this? And do you know how beautiful you are when you pout your face like that with your lips thus piled up? Hmmm..... (Sighed) that Perth is the luckiest person."

Mean said while turned back to drive his car and hold the steering wheel.

"See, even now you are just talking to me nicely. Aren't you really angry with me??"

Pete was surprised to hear the calm words of his friend in such a situation.

"Why should I be angry with you?? All this is what I already expected. So the impact on me is not so big."

Again Mean said casually with smiling.

"But........How did you found out about this??"

"It's just simple Pete. Do you remember when did you proposed me?? That's when I told Earth about the ma......matter that shouldn't have happened between us."

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