Will you sleep with me Mean???

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Perth's Pov...

"Pete! l can't deal with him anymore, look after him for me and he is dreaming about you all day." Yacht said looking behind me and left. Then only I turned back.


My eyes widened in shock at the sight of him actually in front of my eyes. Not only that but my tongue was dry and the words stuck in my throat without coming out of my mouth.

"What happen to you? Why are you looking at me so shocked?"

Pete said while came closer to me and sat on a chair in front of me as he placed his bag on my desk.

"Er...... No.. Nothing, I just didn't expect to see you here." I just managed my nervousness with that excuse.

"Oooh, is that so?"

"Hm yes."

"It's alright."

He said so and smiled at me. But I wonder if Pete had heard what my stupid ass friend said before.

"What are you thinking Ae?" He noticed that I zoned out for a while.

"Huh?? Nothing much. But, you came here suddenly. Is there anything you want to tell me??" So I asked him to distracted him.

"Why? Should I come to see you only if there is some reason? Don't come idle?" He's right.

"No no, I didn't mean it like that. But you never come to my classroom looking for me before. That's why I asked so."

"Hm you are right, I come here with a reason."

"See, I thought so."

"The reason is........" While he was saying so I was staring at him eagerly to hear his reason.

"You kissed me in the morning, didn't you? That's why I came back to see if I could get it again." He said and smiled again.

"Pete!! Shut up, this is my classroom. Everyone will listen you." I was so scared that everyone might hear him. It would be embarrassed for me if that happened.

"Oh, where is the fearless tiger that was there when he kissed me now? Didn't you know then that you kissed me there so that others would see?" Again Pete tease Perth and as soon as he teased him again, his cheeks became hot and turned red in embarrassment.

Not knowing what to say to him, he gently rubbed his hot cheek as he bowed his head without looking Pete. Or else Pete would notice that and teased him hard again.

But understood Perth's embarrassing situation Pete decided to not to tease him anymore so he immediately changed the situation.

"Ah ah, I'll stop teasing you anymore. So look at me now." Pete slowly raises Perth's head with his hand.

"Are you sure?" He asked the opposit as he hold his ckeeks with his hands.

"Hm I am sure but why are you covering your cheeks with your both hands?" He knows why but even though he knew, he asked deliberately his latter as he didn't know.

"You said you didn't tease me." Perth raised his voice a little.

"Ah ah alright. But, there really is a reason I came here." Pete said honestly.

But as for Perth he didn't beleive that. He thought Pete would tease him again. So he showed that disbelief on his face reaction.

"Please Ae! I swear, beleive me." Pete pinched his throat and said. So Perth started to listen him.

"Hm go ahead."

"The thing is, my friend Earth said P'Kao going to holding a party tonight. So he invited me and you too. That's why I came here to ask your consent."

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