Match made in heaven

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Pete's POV...

As soon as Pete walk away from his roommate Perth, he rushed to his room immediately and he shut his door behind him and leaned on the door put his back on it.

Also he closed his eyes and kept his palm on left side of his chest and was breathing heavily. It's look like he released his tension, fear and most importantly ego. He did his best not to give up his ego and not to show his weakness in front of Perth.

Hooi, Pete! What just have happened now? Pete asked himself while he buying his breath and still kept his palm on his chest.

Now do you understand what my pain is Perth? But sorry I don’t want to take revenge on you but you also need to understand my feelings and pain. I hope you understand it well now.

As he spoke to himself, he brought his index finger to his lips and rubbed, "I miss you too Ae! And this too" he said.

No matter how much Pete tells him he doesn't love him anymore and calling him Perth, but inside of him he's always been his Ae.

Tommy's POV....

Tommy! How could you be this careless?  How did you let him close with Saint? You, who are supposed to be his companion, have caused them to be together now. I know Saint won't forgive me anymore but I have to try to make him understand that why did I behave like that. Tommy you idiot, your plan was total flop.

Thus Tommy scolded himself for the mistakes he had made in the plan he had taken to find Max guilty while he was running speedily straight to the bar.

At the bar....

Already Saint worried about his friend, so Max swears him to make him forget his worries, brainwashes him and gathers him to the bar in a wrong purpose.

After they entered the bar Max led him straight to the VIP lounge. Before they got there, a variety of high-quality liquor bottles and glasses were placed on the table in the room.

"Nong Saint! Please be seated." Max said very polity. He wanted to impress him.

"Thank you P'." As for Saint this type of bars are not his cup of tea. And he never be in such a place like this before. He only had the habit of going to the karoke bar. So he felt little uneasy there.

"Why are you look tensed Saint?? Still sad thinking of your friend?" Max started his plan that he sat very closed to Saint and he made him think of what had happened earlier and thought to approach him as if to comfort him.

"It's not that P', but I am not get use to such a place like this. Actually it's not my thing." Saint said looked around the lounge awkwardly.

"Ooooh, it's alright. I am by your side, don't worry." Max slowly took Saint's hand while Saint was busy with looked around awkwardly and Max hold his hand.

"Th.... Thank you P'." But Saint slowly pulled his hand from Max while thanked to him.

"Err.... Er... Ca.... Can we drink?"

He understood that Saint was feeling awkward so he immediately change the subject because if he continued what was he doing Saint may feel uncomfortable. So if he felt that way Max's plan won't work out. So he took one of the champagne bottle from the table and he offered a glass for Saint.

"It's alright P', I don't drink." He refused the drink.

"Oh you don't drink?? Then....... I bring you some soft drink." Max said and left Saint to get him cold drink.

Max went to get Saint a cold drink in a good intention but even then he shows his villainy on that. That he pour some sprite in to the glass and he decided to started his plan from the drink. So after he poured the drink he took a small drug bottle from his jacket and started to poured it in to the spirte glass. But after pouring a drop into it he was suddenly stopped by his friend.

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