Be brave

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"Excuse me." Pete was exhausted with their childish behavior and he excuse themselves from the others and left the place as he hold his boyfriend's hand.

But this incident struck a chord in the mind of a particular person. And as usual you know guys who was that person. So while the couple was leaving them the particular one only looked at their bound hands.

Only then did he have a longing in his heart that the hand Pete was holding should be his. But what do we do? He missed his chance, no??

As Perth looked at him like that his boundless love and his unquenchable longing were clearly visible in his eyes. That too was not unnoticed by his friend.

"You like that cutie, don't you?" His friend's words didn't failed to startled him. But Perth's face, which had been anxious for so long, suddenly turned angry at his words. So he slapped his friend on the head without looking at the discrimination.

"Ouch Perth! What is it for again?" Unable to bear the pain Plan screamed at his friend.

"This is because you call him Cutie." When Perth said like that, his possessiveness over Pete was clearly  visible.

"Hoooo, what a possessive bitch." Plan said, rubbing his head. "But, if I have to say, That is, we are both on the same page." Plan said as he put his hand on Perth's shoulder as a comfort.

"What do you mean by that?" He could not understand anything from his words.

"Yes Perth, I am saying the truth. You remember?? When we studied in high school you guys always made fun of me that I had a secret partner from another school and when will I introduced him to you? He's no one else but Mean."

"Mean??" He got little surprised because he already heard when Mean said Plan was his ex before.

"Hm yes, but my parents took me abroad to study further, so I mistakenly thinking that the long distance relationship would not be workout, that's why I just brokeup with him and left to study."

As they walked towards the classroom, Plan went on to tell his friend all about the reason he broke up with his boyfriend.

"Then why did you return Thailand?" Then a suspicion arose in him.

"It was only after I got there that I realized I could not live without him. That's why I ran away to study here with him." He stopped walking the moment when he heard Perth said and told the reason for his come back.

"Did you run from Newyork to here for get together with him?" Plan's answer surprised him again.

"Yes Perth, It was only after I got there that I understood one thing better. That is, those whom we think we should never miss, should hold their hand well while they are near us. If we leave them just like that, then we have nothing left to lose, because they are everything for us. So I understood it better and I won't miss him this time." Plan said firmly as hit the nail.

"Plan!! But now he has Pete. And they love each other. If you steal Mean from him, Pete would really break. He has been broken by me a lot of times. And now he is very happy. So again, I can't see him break. So bury this thought in your mind." Perth also warned his friend because of the love he had for Pete.

"Are you out of your mind Perth?? Can you be happy to see your lover with someone else?" His sacrificial speech annoyed his friend.

"He is not my lover Plan. He doesn't love me anymore." As he said that, his eyes showed more clearly like a mirror how much he was in mental pain than his lips.

"Whatever. But you still love him no?? So can you see him with someone else?" Again Plan tried to make him understand that he can't live without Pete. Because true love never be one sided.

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