Make me forget about him

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At Mean's apartment...

"Pete! Be careful with your steps."

Pete drank so much that he could not even stand up straight with his legs, his legs stumbled and he could not walk properly. It was his friend who carried him on his shoulders and led him to his room.

He could not walk properly despite his companion.

"Pete, Pete I am gonna fall, Pete." Pete stumbled and sat on the floor.

"Hmm.... I am gonna sleeeeeeepppp herrrrre." Not only him his words too stumble because he was drunk.

"Hooo Pete, what would I do with you??There is no other way." His friend, who saw him struggling to walk, lifted him up very nicely in his arms.

"Hey Me.... Mean, why do y.... you ca.... carrying me like this? Is it fi..... first night for us😄😄??" He was moaning and laughing intoxicated.

But Mean didn't replied to his question because he knows he was drunk that's why he was talking nonsense. He only laughed at his Friend's childish behavior.

"Tell Mean, is it first ni...night for us?" But as for Pete even when drunk he did not seem to let it go.

"Hoi Pete, how am I going to handle your craziness tonight?" Mean asked his drunkard friend with laughing.

"Tell me Meannnnnn." Pete whined like a baby in his arms.

"Oh god Pete,..........yes tonight is our first night." They were going to have sex anyway, so he agreed with no other option.

"Really!! Haha😄😄 will you be m.. *hiccup* my bottom......?" Pete again with his drunken behaviour.

"What?? You can't even walk or talk properly, when that is the case, how can you think like this?" Mean asked him surprisingly.

"Hehe😊 that heartless bitch alwayyyy....s make me bottom and he perform top. But tonight it will no.......t gonna happen. Because you are *hiccup* not him😄. So I will be to.......p annndd you will be botttttom ok?" He showed the okay symbol to his friend and asked him cutely.

"Haha, You couldn't even stand up properly. When that is the case, are you gonna top me??" Mean opened his door as he teased his friend and they went in to the room.

Mean made Pete lay down on his bed and said so as he amused by his look and innocent behavior while he was sleeping.

I never expected you to drunk this much. Do you know how you are now? Only after you drink do I realize how wonderful you are. But I feel very sorry for me too because I can't have you.

Good night Pete, sleep tight. He said so and stood up from the edge of the bed and about to walk away he felt like someone grabbed his hand. So he immediately turned to see Pete. He was holding Mean's hand and opened his eyes slowly.

"Where are you leaving, didn't you said you will sleep with me?" Pete asked softly and his eyes were full of lust, nobody can't resist him with that look.

Pete made the other sat on the edge of the bed again by pulling him softly. And he too got up slowly and sat very close to Mean in front of him.

"Er.... Er......" Mean stuck with his words because of Pete's closeness and the lustful eyes.

"How can you leave me like this? Are you going to leave me too?" Pete whispered at Mean as he caressed his hair and Mean couldn't help himself from getting closer to Pete.

No matter how hard he tried, his friend's lustful eyes and drunken words kept seducing him.

"Pe.... Pete, I am trying hard to control myself but you are making this ha.... harder for me." Mean said as his words stumbling in the heatness of their body.

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