You know how much I love you🥺??

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Perth's Apartment...

"Thank you for the ride Mean. Then.... I am off ok? good night."

As Pete was saying goodbye to his friend and trying to get out of the car, Mean grabbed his hand. So he was stopped from getting out of the car.


"You wanna say something??" Pete looked at Mean who was looking at him confusingly and asked.

"Err....." But Mean was little afraid to asked his confusion which was messing with his head.

"What??" Pete again asked with smile without know the reason of Mean's look that he wore on his face right now.

"Can you please tell me it's real and I am not dreaming?"

Mean was looking at Pete's face as he held his boyfriend's hand and longed for his boyfriend's possitive answer.

But as for Pete he was staring at Mean with a sad face. So Mean suddenly came to a conclusion that may be it's all a lie and I was just dreaming. So his face turned disappointedly and his glance also turned from Pete.

But Pete smiled at Mean's disappointment and pinch his arm hard.

"Ouch, Pete! What the hell??"

Mean screamed in pain as his boyfriend pinched him hard. And also he was rubbing his arm in pain where Pete pinched.

"Haha😄😄, now you understand it's real or not?? Look at your face, it's so funny." Pete asked, laughing as he teased his boyfriend.

"Are you making fun of me?? Hoo, it's so painful. Did you pinch me or Pierce me with a needle??" Again Mean was rubbing his arm.

"Hooo, I am sorry." He rubbed petted his boyfriend's painful area and apologized cutely. And Mean put his hand on Pete's hand which was rubbing his arm.

"I am really happy Pete. To what extent, now you can not even predict how much my happiness. It's all because of you, thank you so much."

"No need to thank me. I am happy too." Pete replied and they both were looking at each other for a while. But suddenly Pete interrupted by something that suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Er.... Then I am seperate ok? Let's meet tomorrow." Pete said and put off his seat belt.

"Good night, sweet dream." Mean said softly.

"Hmm." As a reply Pete nodded his head and get off the car as he smiled at the other. So after that they both waved at each other and parted their ways.

But as soon as Mean left the smile that had been on his face for so long, disappeared and a small commotion appeared.

Pete, are you sure that what you are doing now is right? What if Mean found out one day that you are not really love him and you are actually doing this because you feel guilty? And If you continue your fake love drama for your guilty, may be one day you may lose your true friend.

But.... What do I do? I am not in my right state of mind. Everything that happens around me just happens beyond me. I never even dreamed that my life would change like this.

I had been living with the fortress of the mind for so long that I wanted to live with Perth as I wished. But what to do? He himself broke it with his hand.

I just don't get the chance to live with the one I love, at least I am going to live with the one who loves me.

Thus Pete reached his room talking to himself in his mind.

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