Friends with benefits

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Saint's POV...

"It's good that we got the book on time."

Tommy said in relief and happiness. Because we planned to go to the internship together. If my friend does not hand over his project by tomorrow he will not be able to do this internship with me.

"Hmm, thanks to that guy. And I can not always help you like this if you do not control your mouth." I rebuked him.

"Yeah yeah whatever. But..... did you notice one think?" My friend asked me as he remembered something.

"What is it?" I asked him as I focused on driving.

"That guy, I think he likes you."

Tommy said as he observed my face reaction.

"What?? He likes me? What make you think so?"

So I asked him unbothered. Because I have P'Zee. So I am not interested in others.

"If you had seen him well you would have understood better. Because he was just looking at you when he was talking to me. Have you ever seen someone staring at the other while arguing with someone?"

He said with great surprise.

"Stick to what you feel. I have no worries about all of that. I have P'Zee." So I said casually.

"Aren't you still tired of looking at his face?" Tommy asked me with annoying reaction.

"What are you lamenting Tommy? Are you crazy? I love P'Zee, why do I get bored with him?" I asked him in disbelief.

I couldn't believe him. How could he thinking like this?

"I know you love him. I am not telling you to cheat on him. But Is there any law that says we should only see them if we love someone and not see anyone else?"

"Hoi Tommy, What happened to you today? Are you planning to cheat on P'Jimmy? If you do something like this I'll smack your head."

I said as I slowly tapped it over his head. So my focus got a little off track.

"Oai Saint, watch out. Are you trying to kill me?" Tommy shouted at me in fear of getting crash.

"Sorry Tommy, but you made me off track." So I blamed him.

"What did I do?" He asked me with an annoying reaction.

"You kept talking nonsense." I said.

"How is it nonsense? I was stating the facts." He still stick with what he thought.

"What facts? It was so stupid. They say, once a player always a player. It's true indeed." So I raised my voice at my friend said mockingly.

"Hooi, yes I accept I was a player. But not now. I too have morals to my love. But he can't stop my freedom. Also there is nothing wrong with that as long as we treat them faithfully."

"Whatever. But I don't care  about others." I rolled my eyes at my friend.

"So boring." He rolled back his eyes at me and concentrated on the book.

Pete's POV...

"Pete, you want to come with me to have lunch?"

Earth, my friend asked me to joined with him to have lunch. But I don't want to be a third wheel. Because I saw P'Kao waited for him outside of our classroom. But I don't know how to refused. It would be so rude to say directly that I can’t come.

"Pete! Are you come?" So he patted my shoulder and asked me again.

"Huh?? Er...... I would......" I don't know how to refused. So I was stumbling with my words as I prayed to god to let me free from this situation.

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