In a Pool of Blood

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When the speeding car collided with Pete, he stumbled onto the side of the street. The moment he fell, he fell on a sharp rock placed on the street. As he fell on the rock, the sharp part of the rock hit Pete's head very hard, and he went unconscious as soon as he was hit.

The moment Perth saw the most shocking incident, Perth screamed Pete's name, and he was standing there like a statue in shock, right where he was standing. He froze in shock, unaware of anything going on around him. Perth, who had seen his boyfriend, who had been laughing and talking with him in the car until a few minutes ago, was now throbbing with blood on the floor, froze in shock, unable to do anything.

According to him, all the movable and immovable objects moving around him were subdued and no movement was seen. Plus, looking at the situation where his boyfriend was fighting for his life in a pool of blood, tears were streaming down his jaw from Perth's eyes, which were 360° wide. But his body showed no movement. His heart could understand what was going on there but his body was paralyzed like an ice in shock.

As for Pete, The place where they are is an area where there is not much of people, and there is very little traffic. That's why Pete, regardless of the path, ran looking at his boyfriend Perth. But, at that moment when he didn't notice, a car was coming very fast from somewhere. Even though Pete didn't  notice the car, the driver noticed him. So, he worked very hard to slow down his car so as not to collide with Pete and tried very hard to turn the car to the other side.

But no matter how hard he tried, Pete's leg crashed into an edge of the car, but it's not a big accident, so the driver didn't stop the car and left. But unfortunately, at the speed of the car collision, Pete stumbled by his foot and fell and crashed into a nearby rock. The moment he crashed, blood began to flow from his head immediately.

While the condition of these two lovers was thus lasting for some time, some movements were visible in Pete's body.

"A......... Ae.........."

Pete, who was severely beaten and struggling for his life, saw his boyfriend's condition and began to call out his name with great difficulty to bring him to his senses. But when he tried to speak, his lips parted, and not a single sound came out of his mouth, so Perth could not heard Pete and regain his consciousness. So knowing this, Pete tried to call his name again to get his boyfriend's attention again.

"A........ AE......."

But even then Perth could not come out of his shock.

But Pete realized that his life was going to leave him anyway, and he wanted his life to leave on his lover's lap. So, despite the life-threatening pain he was experiencing, Pete tried again and again to bring Perth back to his senses. But Pete, realizing that Perth was not able to listening his call, slowly raised his hands and waved his fingers this time.

Until Perth realized it, Pete kept doing it over and over again no matter how painful it was. Somehow, as a result of his hard work, Perth was finally able to feel Pete's fingers. So Perth, distracted by that finger movement, was immediately brought to his senses.


So the moment Perth came to his senses he ran fast towards his boyfriend who was lying on the ground a few meters away from him. Pete saw his boyfriend running towards him, so he dropped his hands in pain slowly. But before his hand could touch the ground, Perth ran as fast as he could and held his hand without falling to the ground.

"Pete! Pete! Look at me Pete. What happened to you? Why are you laying on the ground like this? Wake up Pete, please wake up, don't play with me like this."

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