The villain

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Zee's POV...

Whenever I saw that photo on my phone, then all my anger that I had suppressed so far in my mind surrounded me together.

I know it's not my nong's mistakes but I didn't  know what was raging inside me and I showed my total anger towards him. This is the biggest mistake I ever made.

A while ago...

"P'Zee, are you ok? why are you looking upset? What is it on your phone?" Saint asked in concern. He understood from Zee's face that something is wrong.

"Are you asking me what's it on my phone? Ok I'll show you this." Zee showed the phone to his boyfriend. He looked little bit upset when he talk with Saint.

Tommy also peeked at the phone from his seat.

"Tell me Saint, how will you explain this?" Zee asked for an explanation.

"Oh this? We met him at the library today." Saint said without hesitation.

"I am not asking you where you met him. I am asking why did you took this picture with him?" He yelled at Saint in anger.

"P', why are you looking furious suddenly? Calm down, it's nothing."
Saint wanted to calm Zee. It was really new for him. Because he never saw Zee's anger before.

"If it's nothing, then what's this meaning?" Zee raised his voice a little.

"Zee, please calm down." Jimmy went to Zee's side and tried to make him calm.

"P', why are you making it as an issue? What is there to be angry about here? This is a normal photo." Saint said.

"Saint, don't make me loose my mind. I am asking you the explanation."

"Hey doc, why are you raising your voice at my friend? It seems to me that you are suspicious of my friend when I see you asking like this." Tommy spoke out for his friend. Because he knows what happened there and it's nothing.

"Tommy, no one ask you anything, so please keep your mouth shut and keep quiet."

Jimmy tried to prevent his boyfriend from getting into this problem. Because he knows if his boyfriend gets into this issue it will turn into a big fight.

"It's ok Jimmy, Let him. And for your information Tommy I am not suspected or blame nong Saint, I only asking for his explanation for this picture."

"If you want the clarity about it then I'll clear for you." Tommy said.

"It's ok Tommy I'll handle this. P', we met him at the old book collection library and He asked me to take a photo with him in return for the help he did for us. That's why we took a photo with him."

Saint got worried. Because he never expected he will be in such a situation like this.

"Maybe it's simple for you, but not for me. You said he took a photo with both of you but he only uploaded your face. So what is wrong with me being angry?"

"P', I don't know what is on your mind but listen to me, we have nothing between us and I only met him this morning in my life time. And one more thing, because you are my boyfriend, it is not right to make me stand like a criminal and question everything I do. You are not my parents." Saint also raised his voice at Zee.

When Zee heard him say that, he could not find the words to speak. He was silent for fear that something awkward would happen if he spoke. Because his anger was peaking.

So he was trying very hard not to show his anger on him. But it did not last long. Because a lot of notifications kept coming on his phone. When he saw it, he angrily threw the phone on the table and left the place.

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