Chapter 57

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Artwork belongs to its-citrine-beta! ❤️❤️

~~~Timeskip by B.A.S.E. Jumper Soldier~~~

Despite that incident in the park, Scout and I really had a fun date together. During a nice lunch at a diner, we took selfies together using his own phone that Engie built. Some were silly, others were sweet and endearing. The Bostonian couldn't help but to express how excited he really was to have a mobile device of his own. Some time later, we stopped by a nearby arcade where we got to play some coin-operated video games. Surprisingly, the azure-orbed mercenary quickly became a pro at them. He even attracted attention from numerous people present when they witnessed him surpassing all recorded scores in the arcade games.

Right now, we were already in the car with Spy driving us on the way home. The trip turned out to be an hour longer than expected due to heavy traffic, and I was already napping with the Bostonian's arms wrapped around me. Smiling to himself, the young mercenary stroked my (H/C) hair, watching my chest heave up and down as I slept.

"Baby cakes looks so adorable like this..." The azure-orbed mercenary thought as he caressed my cheek. "Boy I wish this moment would last forever..."

"We're finally home, Scout." The Frenchman stated.


The cerulean-eyed teammate looked around and realized that Spy had already parked our car inside the garage. Not wanting to disturb my nap, Scout quietly opened the vehicle door and carefully took me in his arms bridal style. Just as the French mercenary got out of the car, he opened and held the door leading to the living room so that the Bostonian could carry my sleeping form inside. Once indoors, they were greeted by their other teammates who happened to be watching shows on tv.

"Hey there, maggots! I see that you're finally home!" The loud American grinned. "Say city boy, how was your date with Cupcake?"

"Oh ja!" The German doctor chimed in. "Ve really vant to know!"

"Shhh! Keep it down, ya guys!" Scout whisper-shouted. "Sweet cheeks is napping!"

Noticing me in his arms, the RED mercenaries quietly apologized and decided to ask about his day later. Excusing himself from the living room, the Bostonian carried me upstairs and through a hallway until he reached my bedroom. Entering the door, Scout walked towards the bed and laid my body down on the neatly made sheets. Once he did, the ocean-eyed teammate sat on the edge of my bed to gently remove the cropped hoodie from my torso and sneakers from my feet, so that I could rest more comfortably. Smiling, he softly swept the hair strands away from my forehead, only to plant a small kiss on it.

"Sweet dreams, princess..."

Smooching my cheek, Scout carefully got up and left the room, letting me sleep without any disturbances.

~~~Meanwhile, in a secret location~~~

(Third Person P.O.V.)


"Calm down, Jace! Hold still!"

The blue-suited French teammate was assisting his friend with an ugly black eye thanks to a certain RED mercenary. Immersing a small hand towel in cool water, he wrung it out and gently applied it on an affected area of his face. Hissing in pain, the Bostonian remained on the couch and held the soaked cloth over his bruised eye before speaking.

"I failed the mission, Vincent! It's all because of that son of a bitch!" He growled. "Our boss is not gonna be happy about this!"

"I know." His older friend frowned. "But someday, ve vill get back at those imbeciles..."

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