Chapter 80

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Some sexy time ahead! Enjoy!

     Specks of red appeared on my safety mask, and stained my padded armor after a shot echoed throughout the course. Looking over my shoulder, I noticed the paintball splatter on that BLU member's visor, indicating a loss for him and his team.

     "Boom! Headshot!" Sniper stated proudly.

     "Blue is through!" The announcer exclaimed. "Congrats to Team Red!"

     As the enemy froze there, astounded by what just happened, I wriggled my way out of his grip, running across the room to return to the Aussie. Finally relieved, the RED teammate pulled my form into a protective embrace, not wanting to let go.

     "Lil' roo!" He gently stroked my (H/C) hair. "Are ya alroight?"

     "I'm fine, Mundy." I nodded, resting my head on his chest. "I'm glad we won, though. Let's leave now."

     "Not 'til Oi have a lil' friendly chat with 'im."

     Feeling that there was unfinished business to do, Sniper stomped over until he was right in front of his doppelgänger. The BLU member backed up a little, but the support teammate harshly grabbed him by the collar, curling his mouth into a frown.

     "Bloody bogan! Ya betta leave moi sheila 'lone!" The RED mercenary warned. "Or a bullet goes to your forehead!"

     "Please put me down, mate!" His rival begged. "Just listen! There's somethin' Oi gotta tell ya—"

     "Oi don't wanna hear anythin' from ya!" He cut him off. "Stay away, or else. Same goes for your bunch of no-hopers as well!"

     Seeing that his rival quickly nodded in fear, the Aussie instantly threw him down, causing his body to land onto the ground with a thump. Dusting off hands, he turned around to gently interlock his fingers with mine.

     "Let's go, luv." He led me to a nearby door. "Don't wanna let those bloody idiots ruin our day."


(Third Person P.O.V.)

     As Sniper and (Y/N) were leaving the building, the other BLUs returned to assist their Aussie friend in getting up. Now standing there, they all watched them disappear from sight as their support teammate removed his marred sapphire safety mask, finally getting fresh air.

     "Damn..." He shook his head with disappointment. "If only they listened..."

~~~Timeskip by Fists of Steel Heavy~~~

(Your P.O.V.)

     For the remainder of the day, Sniper and I spent time sightseeing. With no more interruptions from those BLU members, we were able to relax under the warm sun, observing tall giraffes feeding on branches of acacia leaves, or even panda cubs playing around in the bamboo forest. It was already late afternoon, and the zoological garden was approaching its closing time. Large crowds exited through gates as the Aussie and I did the same. Once we hopped into our vehicle, Sniper turned on the ignition and drove away from a parking lot, heading home. Well actually, not really yet. Beforehand, the RED member shared his idea about having campfire s'mores and doing stargazing as well. I excitedly agreed, for it had been a while since I went camping.

     It was getting almost dark in the woods, and we managed to find a nice spot large enough to build a campfire. Sniper started off by walking through a thicket of trees, gathering branches of ash wood lying around. While he was at it, I opened the trunk to grab a cooler of ingredients for s'mores and bottles of (F/D). Minutes had gone by, and the assassin finally returned with adequate wood. We formed a fire ring using available rocks before rearranging branches in the middle, constructing them in a tipi-build. Once Sniper carefully lit our campfire using a match, I prepped graham crackers and thin chocolate squares on a tray, and stacked marshmallows on wooden skewers, now ready to be toasted. As the chill of the night arrived, we both cuddled together, sharing each other's warmth while holding sticks of marshmallows over the fire; but when the Aussie noticed that I was shivering, he quickly got up to fetch some blankets from our car.

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