Chapter 35

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After the Frenchman finished dealing with his Texan teammate, I relaxed in my room while scrolling down some stored photos in my smartphone. Lying down in my (F/C) comfy clothes as some mercenaries were doing their usual hobbies, I looked at all the pictures starting at the time when we took our first group selfie together at home. Then I swiped on the screen to the next ones that were taken in the mall by an ornate fountain. As my (E/C) eyes were still glued to my phone, a couple of men lied down in bed next to me.

"Hey sheila," Sniper removed his aviators and akubra as he spoke, "what are you doing?"

"Just looking at our photos." I answered with a smile. "These are such great memories we made together, right?"

"Ja! Zhey vere wunderbar!" Medic nodded as he looked at the device in my hands. "Liebe, I vas vondering. Can jou show us zome pictures of jourself? I mean during the time vay before jou first met us?"

Eager to show them, I tapped on the screen, opening a file that contained photos during my past vacations and years of college life. Looking through them, the German doctor and an Aussie assassin got to see how I looked like before, how I got to travel to places, and how I made my parents proud by graduating from college. Scanning pictures one by one, both Medic and Sniper stopped at a particular photo that was taken near a vast body of oceanic water sparkling underneath the bright sun. In addition to that, it also showed me, along with my best friend, running along the sand and splashing water at each other.

"Zhat's a very beautiful snapshot, Liebe!" The doctor readjusted his glasses to get a better look. "Such a nice place to visit. Right, Herr Sniper?"

"Oi agree with that." The Aussie took another glance at it. "Say sheila, whoi's that other girl?"

"Oh that's Katherine, or Kat for short, my long-time best friend." I replied. "She was the one who gave me that pc as a graduation present."

"Jou mean zhat machine vhere ve came from?"

"Mhm. It used to be hers, but she gave it away to me since she's moving away soon."

"I zee."

"Yeah, I'm very sad that she'll be living out-of-town, but I hope we'll see each other someday."

Nodding in understanding, Medic gently pulled me closer and enveloped my form in a warm hug. As he stroked my soft hair strands, Sniper held my smartphone and swiped on the screen, seeing more photos taken at a beach where Katherine and I went. While he was at it, other mercenaries were very curious and got up to have a look at the pictures.

"Whoa! That beach looks awesome!" Scout exclaimed. "We should go there for a swim!"

"Hudda Hudda!" Pyro made a cheery, muffled sound, showing interest in Scout's idea.

"Sounds great, lad!" Demoman agreed as he took a sip from his bottle of scrumpy. "Hey lassie, can ya take us there one day?"

The rest of the men turned to me for an answer. I was surprised that I never thought of an idea of taking the mercenaries to a beach. How come this never crossed my mind? Well then again, I didn't entirely show them around (city name). The only places we had been to together were a popular mall, a new ice cream parlor, and a huge park near my house. But taking them to a beach? That would be exciting.

"Of course, guys! We can head out there tomorrow!" I grinned as the mercenaries cheered, until I realized something. "But wait a minute, do all of you guys have swimming trunks?"

Hearing what I just asked, the men paused their cheers, only to rummage in their duffels and other belongings. But alas, they didn't pack any swimming gear with them. Not even a single bottle of sunscreen.

"Oh dear. You guys aren't fully geared up to hit the beach." I grabbed my car keys and my purse. "Guess we'll have to head out to buy stuff for tomorrow, shall we?"

Just as the mercenaries and I headed out the door, one of the men gently grabbed my arm. I turned around, only to find Engie holding me back.

"But honeybee, what about your father?" The Texan sounded very concerned. "We don't wanna get caught by him."

"Don't worry, Dell." I assured him. "I have an idea."

~~~Few minutes later~~~

Before we got to the staircase, I instructed the RED teammates to remain upstairs and stay quiet. Tiptoeing down the steps, I became silent like a mouse, avoiding any creaking noises that might distract my father. As I finally reached downstairs, I cautiously poked my head out, scanning around my surroundings to make sure the coast was clear. Aside from that, I even sneaked towards my father's home office where the door was left ajar. Taking a small peak, I noticed that my father was napping on the couch. Feeling relieved, I headed back and gave the mercenaries a signal. That was when Spy took out his trusty watch and cloaked himself along with his teammates, taking them one by one downstairs as he couldn't cloak more than two people at once. While the Frenchman was leading them into a garage, I looked at the other direction to be sure my father wouldn't wake up and leave his office; but just as the last cloaked mercenary got out safely, I turned on my heel and was about to reach for the doorknob until a voice called me.


I immediately looked back, surprised, only to find my father already awake from his nap. Did he see any of the mercenaries? That was what got me worried.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"Um...I'm going to head out to do some grocery shopping." I lied. "Just found out that we're out of flour and other ingredients."

"Ah alright then. Drive safely, dear." As he was going to head back, he turned again to see me. "Oh and while you're at it, can you buy me bags of coffee beans, please? We're pretty much running low on them."

As I nodded at his request, my father continued his way back to his home office. After he closed the door, I breathed a sigh of relief, finally entering the garage to join the mercenaries. Before I got onto my driver's seat, I saw that the men were already seated, each of them occupying the same spots just as on the day we went to the mall. Turning on the ignition and driving the car out, a warm hand rested on mine.

"Hey sweet pea," Engie looked at me with his emerald eyes, "what took ya so long?"

"It was my father. He just asked me where I was heading to." I answered while driving along the street. "When I told him I was just gonna do some shopping, he asked me a favor to buy him coffee beans."

"Ah see. He didn't notice any of us, right?"

"By the looks of it, no."

"Phew. That was close, darlin'. Glad he didn't."

As I focused on my driving, the Texan hummed quietly, still holding my hand in his, while the other mercenaries were talking amongst themselves, expressing how excited they were for a fun beach day. However, little did the men and I know that a small group of mysterious individuals was spying on us from the start.

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