Chapter 85

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Lemon ahead! You've been warned!

~~~Meanwhile, at BLU team's residence~~~

(Third Person P.O.V.)

     "Man, these shows are frickin' boring..."

     The youngest member leaned back on a huge leather sofa, switching channels with the handy remote. From various game shows to popular telenovelas, he tried looking for one that would pique his interest. While at it, a certain couple of teammates entered the living room.

     "Jace?" The German walked over to him. "Aren't jou tired yet? Jou usually go to sleep early."

     "Da." Their Russian friend crossed his arms. "Why is leetle man still awake?"

     "I'm not really sleepy, guys." He assured them. "And besides, I promised Vincent that I'll be waitin' for his call."

     "Now zhat jou mentioned it..." The doctor rubbed his chin. "It's already late and he's still out zhere. No vord from him?"

     "Not yet. I'm hopin' he'll respond at any minute—Oh?" The Bostonian immediately slipped a hand into his pocket, pulling out a smartphone to notice a familiar name on its screen. "Wait a second! It's him!"

     He tapped a button before holding up that device to his ear.

Jace: "Yo Vincent, what's up? Where are ya?"

Vincent: "Jace, I'm still here at the ship."

Jace: "A ship? Like a cruise ship? That's so frickin' cool! Did ya get to see sexy girls in bikinis? Oh boy! You must've been so lucky to see them—"

Vincent: "Mon Dieu, Jace! Stay on topic! You know zhat's not the reason I'm still out here!"

Jace: "I know, I know. Sorry. Well anyway, were ya able to complete your mission?"

Vincent: "Erm...kinda. Vell, actually non. Had a fight vith him."

Jace: "Him? Ya don't mean..."

Vincent: "Oui, zhat RED imbecile. He and I caused a scene at a dance. Everyone present zhere freaked out and ran."

Jace: "Holy crap! Are ya alright, though?! And where are (Y/N) and that RED member?"

Vincent: "I'm fine, just a bloody nose...And zhem? Vell, how can I explain zhis—"

Jace: "Wait a second! Breakin' news on tv!"

     Picking up his remote, that offense teammate pressed down a button, increasing volume for everyone to hear; in addition to that, he set his device on speakerphone mode, making it audible enough for the Frenchman to listen from his end. On a huge screen, a news representative began to share the current events.

     "We interrupt this program to give you a news special report." A man announced at his desk. "Moments ago, a violent incident occurred on a luxury ship during a formal evening event. According to witnesses, a couple of men brawled on the dance floor, throwing punches while frightened attendees immediately rushed out of that ballroom. The reason behind all of this is unknown, but we also received a recorded video from one of the bystanders. Have a look..."

     Sitting up on the sofa, the Bostonian observed that footage while his Russian and German friends joined in. On their tv, two familiar individuals in suits fought each other. Loud screams were heard in the background as this went on, until puffs of smoke emerged and activated ceiling sprinklers from above. Getting a better look on their faces, the BLU members recognized them as their teammate and enemy.

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