Chapter 46

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Lyrics from a Russian wolf lullaby, Bayu Bayushki

Before he placed his hand on the door knob, Sniper, or Mundy, took another look at me for a couple minutes. Snaking an arm around my waist, he planted a soft kiss on my reddened cheek, then another on the lips. After a few moments, we gently broke the kiss and rested our foreheads against each other.

"Luv you, lil' roo."

"Love you too, Mundy."

Just as Sniper opened the door, the rest of the mercenaries greeted us with shocked expressions on their faces. They were already waiting for their turns in front of the doorway when we both exited. Noticing that the Aussie's hair was still damp, one of the men reacted first.

"What the?...Sniper?!" Soldier was surprised to see him standing next to me. "What were you doing in the bathroom with Cupcake?"

"Oi was um...usin' the sink." The Aussie lied, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh? Then why is your hair drippin' wet?" Engie raised an eyebrow.

"Well uhh—"

"Actually, we were taking a shower together." I interrupted with an honest truth.

"WAIT WHAT?!" The rest of the men stated in unison.

"Shhh! Keep it down, you guys!" I whisper-shouted. "My dad's sleeping!"

The mercenaries immediately muttered their apologies before turning to Sniper.

"Aww come on, man!" Scout complained. "You're so lucky! I wanted to do that with sweet cheeks!"

"Same here!" Pyro jumped in. "It'll be nice to have a bubble bath with firefly!"

Watching these mercenaries act like little kids made me let out a giggle. To be honest, it was funny and cute at the same time when they fight over who gets to be closer with the love of their lives. A couple hours later, everyone else was able to have nice, relaxing showers before tucking themselves in their sleeping bags, except for the support classes who usually took their spots on my bed. The only difference that night was that two of them agreed to switch places with each other. Since he got to spend some alone time with me, Sniper decided to sleep at the foot of the bed. With that, Spy finally got to lie down beside me, snaking his arm around my waist and holding me protectively like a teddy bear. Cuddling on the Frenchman's chest, I slowly drifted off to sleep, feeling his body warmth.

~~~Timeskip by Hoovy~~~

"No! Please!"

I was running away from a shadowy figure pursuing me in a dark forest. Taking sharp turns here and there, I did my effort to make that mysterious individual lose sight of me. But to no avail, he was so fast that he was able to keep his glowing eyes on my form. Going deeper into the moonlit woods of nowhere, I found another path and followed it, hoping to find some hiding spot to conceal myself from that man. Unfortunately, before I knew, he tackled me to the ground, pinning my body down with his weight. Struggling in his grip, I gasped in horror as I got a better look at my captor. It was not Cameron; instead, it was a familiar man with black slick back hair and blue, lustful eyes as cold as steel. He sported a fancy blue suit accompanied by a long, velvety cape. Holding me securely, he stared down at me and wore a sinister grin on his face.

"Bonjour mon bel amour~" Those words escaped from his lips.

"What do you want from me?! Please let me go!" I begged.

"I'm afraid I cannot do zhat~" His evil smile still remained as he combed his fingers through my hair. "I have to claim you as mine~"

"Wait what?!" My (E/C) eyes widened as I squirmed in his slender, yet strong arms. "No! You can't do that—"

My voice was cut off when the man opened his mouth, bearing his sharp fangs. Realizing that he was a vampire, I let out a scream of terror as he immediately sunk his canines into my bare neck...

~~~Back to reality~~~


I immediately sat up from bed, feeling sweat beads forming on my forehead. Due to my sudden loud voice, all of the mercenaries woke up from their slumbers.

"Chérie?" Spy wrapped me in a protective embrace. "Vhat is the matter?"

"Just a...nightmare..." Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Vhat vas it about, liebe?" Medic asked with concern in his voice.

I described in full detail about the nightmarish dream I had, going over from a terrifying chase in the woods to a gruesome attack by a certain Frenchman. Because of this, the men couldn't help but to envelop me in a warm, group hug.

"Our poor lassie..." Demoman nuzzled the top of my head. "We should do somethin' tae cheer her up, right lads?"

"Da." The Russian agreed, nodding. "And Heavy knows best thing to cheer leetle (Y/N) up."

"Oh?" The French teammate looked at him. "And vhat vill zhat be?"

"Heavy will sing lullaby for leetle (Y/N)." He gave a warm smile.

"A lullaby? That's like a baby song!" Scout commented.

"But Heavy used to sing this for leetle sisters when they get bad dreams. Heavy knows this'll cheer leetle (Y/N) up."

Before anything, Heavy gently sat on the edge of the bed to give me a gentle hug. As I cuddled more to feel his cozy warmth, a soft humming sound was heard before words were sung.

Баю-баюшки баю
Не ложися на краю
Придёт серенький волчок
И укусит за бочок

Even though I didn't understand Russian, I thought the sound was so soothing that I slowly felt better from my nightmare, relaxing myself more to hear that lullaby. But then, Heavy realized that I wasn't knowledgeable about his language. So he attempted to sing it in English as best as he could.

Sleep my darling tiny one
Tucked within your bed so tight
Else the old grey wolf will come
And grab you by your side

He'll snatch you up between his teeth
If on the bed's edge you sleep
And drag you to the forest deep
Beneath the quaking tree

So close your eyes and fall asleep
Count the little wooly sheep
Tucked so tightly you must keep
Or he will come for you...

Within a few minutes, only soft snores were heard, for I was already napping on his broad chest. Aww's could be heard from the mercenaries who were now happy to see that I was feeling much better. Letting out a small chuckle, Heavy gently laid me down on my bed, tucking me carefully under the comforters.

"Спокойной ночи (Good night), leetle girl."

Leaving a small kiss on my forehead, Heavy stood up to return to his sleeping bag; but before he could, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"You did a good job in cheering up Cupcake, Comrade." Soldier complimented while giving him a pat on the back.

"Спасибо (Thank you), Soldier." The tallest mercenary smiled. "Heavy knows best for our leetle (Y/N)."

"I have to admit. That was a very nice lullaby, Heavy." The Bostonian stated before yawning. "Hey. Can ya sing that for me, please?"

"Нет (No)."

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