Chapter 32

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Everyone fell silent as Soldier scanned at all of the videos listed before him. Noting every "R.I.P." on them, he felt small tears streaming down his face. As he came across a certain video, the blue-eyed mercenary clicked on it and listened to every single line spoken by the late voice actor from a TF2 short.

"If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!"

The American quietly sobbed as he attentively watched the video of himself portrayed by Rick May. In the pc screen, he was making a speech to his listeners lined up before him.

"Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it, and then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor."

As they reached the part where "The Art of War" theme kicked off, the RED mercenaries couldn't help but to feel bad for Soldier. The fire-loving teammate gave him a gentle hug, while the Texan rested his gloved hand on the shoulder.

"Mrrph Mrrph Mrrrrrrrph..." Pyro let out a low, mumbling sound, indicating sadness in his voice.

"Ah'm very sorry, pardner." Engie gave him an apologetic look.

Soldier silently nodded in response, still showing gloominess in his azure eyes. When the theme stopped playing, he turned his head to resume watching the short.

"Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth." In the video, the patriotic man was seen holding up a couple of grenades. "And then he herded them onto a boat, and then he beat the crap out of every single one."

"The Art of War" theme continued as Rick May's character ran across the battlefield, blasting the BLU's with his rocket launcher. Before the song ceased again, the helmet-cladded mercenary melee fought and knocked out an enemy Spy, making him drop a cigarette from his mouth.

"Heh heh heh heh heh...And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a zoo!"

At that point, all eyes of the other mercenaries widened, for they had no idea that the "people", who their American friend was talking to, turned out to be his collection of severed heads from the BLU team, lined up on the fence. Soldier might not be a very intelligent individual; but however, he was greatly impressive on the battlefield.

"...Unless it's a farm!"

And just like that, the TF2 short had ended, and the blond mercenary sniffled as the YouTube channel automatically played other videos relevant to Rick May. Soldier was typically a tough guy, but it was very rare to see him in this state. Not wanting to see him cry, I embraced him tightly, rubbing his back in small circles as I gently laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry about it, Solly..." A teardrop formed in my eye as well. "Your voice actor was a legend, and many gamers including myself mourned for him when we received news about his death."

"Aww Cupcake..." The azure-orbed teammate returned the hug, burying his damp face on my shoulder as he wept. "I could tell that he was the best soldier who ever lived."

"He definitely was." I nodded in agreement. "Rick May shaped up my childhood a lot. I even enjoyed hearing his voice in other video games I used to play."

"I see. I assume he was your favorite voice actor?"

"Yep, and it was because of him that I started playing Team Fortress 2 when it got released years ago. I pretty much became a Soldier main after spending several hours listening to your hilarious lines in his voice. He may be already gone, but he still lives on in our hearts....and in your voice too. Everyone's even thinking that he's happily rocket jumping in the heavens now."

Hearing this, the American eventually stopped letting more tears form in his eyes, feeling much better as he kept hugging me. He might be very sad to find out what happened to Rick May; but however, he was very thankful for his voice actor bringing life to him, the crazed, loud, and jingoistic mercenary of the team. Feeling him nuzzling my shoulder, I softly stroked his head, petting his short blond hair.

"My little eagle," he gave me eye contact, "you know that you always make me feel special, right?"

"Do you mean it, Solly?" A dust of pink appeared on my cheeks.

"I'm very serious, Cupcake." He finally curled his mouth into a smile. "You really know how to cheer up maggots like me when they're feeling down. I'm very happy that I met you, my sweet (Y/N)."


At that moment, a muscular arm snaked around my waist more, pulling me closer until my body was pressed against a broad, warm chest that had a lingering faint scent of gunpowder. As I became stuck in his strong, yet gentle grip, I felt Soldier move up his free hand to caress the soft strands of my hair, while looking into my (E/C) eyes with his sky blue ones. Within a few seconds, the gruff mercenary closed the distance between us, hugging me tightly to deepen the kiss. Feeling my face turn strawberry red, I gently wrapped both of my arms around his neck, feeling the love from him. Just as we were kissing, a snapshot was heard. Both Soldier and I immediately broke the kiss, turning our heads to the rest of the RED teammates with my smartphone.

"Aww. Heavy finds it very cute." The Russian friend smiled.

"Yep! And this photo shows it all!" The young Bostonian was holding my mobile device, showing the mercenaries a picture he just took.

"Jeremy, may I see it please?"

Scout nodded and handed me back my smartphone. Displayed on it was a picture of me and Soldier kissing each other. However, I noticed something in the background that I didn't expect at all. Right on the pc screen, a certain quote was shown on a Youtube video. I was about to read it until a familiar voice interrupted me.

"(Y/N)! Could you come over for a second, please?" A muffled masculine voice was heard from a hallway.

"Sure! Coming, Dad!" I immediately got up from my chair before turning to the RED team. "I'll be back, guys."

(Third Person P.O.V.)

As soon as (Y/N) left the room, Soldier's eyes wandered back to an electronic device that still showed a picture of him together with her. Checking its background, the American once again shedded one last teardrop while reading the following quote from a video at the time when a snapshot was taken:

"You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best."

(Your P.O.V.)

I gently closed my bedroom door before walking through the hallway, looking for my father. And there he was, standing next to a doorway of one of the rooms.

"(Y/N)," he looked at me, "I have a question to ask you."

"What is it, Dad?"

He pointed his index finger in a certain direction.

"What happened to the guest room door?"

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