Chapter 19

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R.I.P. Rick May, voice actor of Soldier. You'll be dearly missed...

     After breaking up the senseless argument between the mercenaries, I managed to calm them down, reminding that we should enjoy the rest of the picnic time. Realizing this, the men apologized for their silly actions and put their differences aside. While it might have been quite entertaining to watch them fight over me, it was also unnecessary for them to overreact with weaponry when I got kissed by Spy.

After savoring the delicious goodness from the table, we decided to play a game. Scout suggested baseball at first, but we didn't have any mitts or helmets to wear. Just to keep it simple, Sniper thought of hide-and-seek since the park was vast enough and full of lush greenery. Everyone agreed to it, and Soldier came up with a rule that whoever gets found last will become the seeker in the next round.

"Now that everyone is ready, I will be the seeker first!" The helmet-wearing mercenary volunteered.

"Aw come on, man!" The Bostonian boy complained. "I wanna be the seeker!"

"Quit whining, short pants. Since I said it first, I will be the seeker!" Soldier then turned to me. "Is that right, Cupcake?"

Seeing that the gruff American wanted my answer, I took a glance at Scout who gave me a "please don't say 'yes' to him" look with puppy eyes. I wanted to agree with Soldier, but I couldn't help but to feel bad for the Bostonian. That was when an idea came to mind.

"Well how about this, Soldier? We can have two seekers in the game! Both you and Scout!" I grinned.

"Both of us?" They asked in unison.

"Yep. Many of us will be hiding somewhere in this huge park, so I thought it would be fun to have two people instead of one."

After thinking for a while, Soldier and Scout agreed with my suggestion, considering that there would be eight people including myself to find. They also decided that the game would be faster if both of them would split up the work and try to find four people each. As the rest of the mercenaries and I got ready, the gruff American took another look at us.

"Listen up, maggots and Cupcake. Scout and I are going to count to thirty, so you better hide quickly! And one more thing, you crouton!" Soldier pointed to Spy. "You better not cloak yourself invisible because that's cheating, or I'll make you run ten laps around this park!"

"Ugh fine zhen." The Frenchman took off his watch, obeying the game rules.

As the helmet-cladded man and the Bostonian boy covered their eyes at a nearby tree, the rest of us scrambled all over the grassy field. While I was running as fast as a jackrabbit, a loud voice was heard.

"One Mississippi! Two Mississippi! Three Mississippi! Four Mississippi!"

Sprinting away, I spotted a tree in the distance that looked huge enough to hide in. As I arrived there, I carefully placed my foot on the lowest branch and did the same for the other. Climbing up like a koala, I proceeded with caution as I concealed myself completely beneath the leaves.

"Five Mississippi! Six Mississippi! Seven Mississippi! Eight Mississippi!"

As Soldier kept counting on, I peeked from the branches to see where the other mercenaries were hiding. Medic took cover in the berry bushes. Pyro decided to hide in the shallow water under a bridge. Sniper simply stood behind one of the numerous trees nearby. Engie crawled under a stone picnic table. Demoman ran to a gazebo to hide somewhere there. Heavy ducked behind some large rocks. And...wait a minute, where was Spy? I wondered for a moment since I knew he already took off his watch.

~~~Timeskip by Spycrab~~~

"Twenty nine Mississippi! THIRTY MISSISSIPPI!" Both Soldier and Scout uncovered their eyes. "READY OR NOT, MAGGOTS! 'CAUSE WE'RE COMING TO KICK YOUR ASSES!"

I watched them from a distance in my hiding spot as the American and Bostonian mercenaries split ways. Scout decided to cover up the west side of the park, while Soldier went for the opposite side. Staying still and quiet as a mouse, I heard a shout several feet away.

"Ha ha! Found ya, Doc!" It turned out that Medic was quickly found by Scout.

"Gotcha, Comrade!" Heavy got caught by Soldier who happened to run by the rocks.

"I see ya, overalls!" Engie failed to hide from the Bostonian.

"You just got spotted, Bilbo Baggins!" Sniper sighed as he stepped away from the trees in defeat.

As minutes passed by, Scout and Soldier managed to find the rest of the group. Except for two people, Spy and myself. I was very curious on where the French mercenary might be hiding. Knowing that the game wasn't over yet, the two seekers split up again. Scout ran across the park to hunt down the last teammate; and while he was at it, Soldier headed towards an area that hadn't been searched yet, the same place where I was hiding. My heart began to race as the American got closer. Lifting his helmet a bit, he examined his surroundings.

"Hmm...where is my sweet Cupcake?" Leaves crunched under his boots as Soldier wandered around. "Come out, come out, wherever you are, (Y/N)!"

Stifling my giggles, I kept an eye on the blond mercenary as he continued scanning around the area. Scratching the back of his head, Soldier decided to take another route, moving farther away from my hiding spot. As he was no longer in my sight, I quietly climbed down the tree and ran in a different direction. Sprinting as fast as I could, I quickly turned my head to make sure he didn't notice. But just as I did, I bumped into something warm but soft, making me fall backwards onto the thick, tall grass. I groaned and rubbed my forehead until I looked up, only to find a certain man with a smirk on his face.

"Found you, sweetheart."

I let out a squeal as Soldier snaked his muscular arms around my form, and held me down on the ground like an eagle capturing its prey. While lying down in his firm yet gentle grip, I realized that his face, no longer covered by a helmet, was just a couple inches above mine, causing my cheeks to blush deeply at that close contact. Noticing this, Soldier moved up his hand to caress my face as his blue eyes stared into mine. Without thinking, he moved in slowly and closed the distance between us. My (E/C) eyes widened as I felt his pair of lips pressed on mine; but then, I slowly melted into the kiss as I cuddled with his body warmth. That moment felt like forever until we broke the kiss for needed air. Soldier's face was now red like a cherry.

"Dear God," his azure orbs were fixed on me, "you're such a beauty and a great kisser."

"T-Thanks, Solly..."

Hearing that nickname coming from me, the gruff mercenary gave a soft smile and lied down on the grass beside me. From there, he pulled my body towards him, making me snuggle on his broad chest. We were enjoying each other's warmth for quite a while until we heard a young voice from afar.

"Yo rocket boy! Did ya find (Y/N) yet?"

It was Scout, and it turned out that we had forgotten about the game. That was when Soldier immediately got up.

"Just found her, kiddo!" The American responded loud enough for the Bostonian to hear. "We'll be there in a bit!"

In just a few seconds, Soldier lifted up my body from the ground and started to run past the trees. I became such a blushing mess as he carried me bridal style throughout. Noticing a tinge of pink on my cheeks, the gruff mercenary chuckled and nuzzled my forehead.

"Such an adorable eagle of mine..."

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