Chapter 40

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"So Solly, what game are we going to play?"

I looked over to the gruff American as I kept my head above water. Everyone was gathered around in one spot so that we could all hear what Soldier had to say.

"We're going to play Marco Polo!" The helmet-cladded mercenary grinned.

"Aw come on!" Spy gave a disappointed look. "Zhat is such a childish game!"

"Chill, old man!" Scout assured the Frenchman. "We just wanna do something for fun since we're already here!"

"Ugh fine zhen!" He crossed his arms. "And please don't call me zhat!"

"And you're going to be it, crouton!" Soldier announced.

"Vait vhat?!" The French mercenary looked at him, wide eyed. "Vhy me?!"

"Remember that hide-and-seek game a couple days ago? It took a very long, difficult time searching for you in that huge park! Only to find you in the end as some stupid French crab!" The muscular man reminded him with a frown. "So because of that, you're going to be it this time!"

"Alright zhen!" Spy heavily sighed, giving up as he covered his eyes. "I'm going to count to ten! Starting moving now!"

The rest of us swam away, making a distance from the Frenchman as he mentally counted. By the time I was around twelve feet away, Laurent removed his hands, keeping his eyes shut as he moved around freely, trying to figure where we all went.

"Marco!" A shout was heard from him.

"Polo!" The Bostonian responded, causing the French mercenary to move closer to his location.

"Marco!" He repeated.

"Polo!" Heavy created splashes a few feet behind to confuse him.


As the game went on, I giggled and moved away backwards, keeping an eye on Laurent as he attempted to find us in the sparkling waters. After Soldier's response was heard, the Frenchman swam around in hopes of bumping into anyone of us.

"Marco!" The mahogany-eyed man yelled.


I shouted while swimming backwards a little, keeping my head out of the water until my back collided into something warm but soft. All of a sudden, an unfamiliar pair of arms immediately wrapped around my waist from behind, taking me by surprise.


"Ve meet again, ma belle (Y/N)~"

I quickly turned around to see who it was, only to feel color draining from my face. The person now holding me was none other than that particular Frenchman, the same guy who we encountered back in the swim shop. He resembled a lot like Laurent, except for the fact that he sported blue swimming trunks. Frightened, I tried to pry his arms off my form; but alas, he wouldn't budge.

"Why it's you again!" I panicked, struggling to be freed from his grip.

"Of course it's me, amour~" He cooed in my ear, resting his head on my shoulder. "I already told you zhat ve'll see each other again, am I right?~"

That was when realization hit me. Indeed, I remembered those certain words of his when the RED teammates and I exited the store. That stranger wasn't even joking! Fearing on what he might do to me, I screamed for help as I squirmed around in his lean, yet strong arms.

"Laurent! Guys! Help!" I desperately cried.

"Ooh, so Laurent is his name?~" He chuckled as he enjoyed watching me struggle, making his grip a bit tighter. "To be honest, zhat bastard needs to give you up. He doesn't deserve you, a beautiful lady I'm holding now~"

Those words sickened me down to the core. God, I wanted to punch him right in his ugly face! In just a few moments, I noticed that the Frenchman was moving his face closer to mine. Was he going to kiss me?! That sicko! Before anything could happen, a shout was heard from a distance.

"Hey! Let her go!"

That familiar voice came from Laurent. He and the other mercenaries heard my cries so they swam faster to where I was being held. By the time they arrived there, the men got a better look at the stranger, only to become enraged.

"Vhy it's you!" Spy clenched his teeth, infuriated by what he just witnessed.

"Let go of her, dummkopf!" Medic demanded as he took out his syringe gun.

"Or we will have to kick your ass back to France, maggot!" Soldier joined in as he brandished his shovel.

"Is zhat all you got?" The Frenchman laughed as a response. "You zhink it'll be zhat easy?"

"What do ya mean?" Engie furrowed his brow as his emerald eyes were laid on him. "Can't ya see we still outnumber ya?"

The Frenchman, still holding me, raised one of his hands to the level of his mouth, whistling loudly. Within seconds, a group of his own friends appeared behind him. The RED teammates were left totally flabbergasted as they were now facing the entirety of their enemies before them. There were nine of them in total, all equipped in their respective team color swim gear.

"You gotta be frickin' kiddin' me!" Scout scowled as he encountered his rival, the same guy who acted flirty around me in the swim shop.

"That's right, knucklehead!" The opposing Bostonian smirked. "Thought that incident in the store would be the last time we'll see ya?"

"We honestly wished that, and leave (Y/N) alone!" Engie growled. "Or you're all about to have a real bad day!"

"How can we do that if we can't resist this lovely mermaid here?"

That voice came from a southern accented man who then moved closer to where I was being restrained by his French friend. As he was physically right in front of me, I shut my (E/C) eyes and turned my head away. Because of this, the man firmly placed his thumb and index finger on my chin, forcing me to look at him in the eye. Not wanting any of this, I flailed my arms in the water, hoping to break free from this trap; but however, it was to no avail as the Frenchman gripped me tightly, causing me to scream as the blue-cladded Texan smiled, leaning in and planting a kiss on my cheek. This action triggered all of the RED mercenaries that they all pulled out their melee weapons.

"You son of a b***h!" Engie roared as he wielded his wrench. "Ah'll kill ya for that!"

"Bloody hell!" Demoman had his scrumpy bottle ready in hand. "Let go of lassie! Or ye gonna be dead!"

"Ve'll zee about zhat!" The blue-cladded Frenchman still kept me in his grip as I struggled. "CHARGE!"

Both opposing sides yelled out their battle cries as they swam towards each other for a fight. I couldn't help but to let out a whimper as the French stranger had his arms enveloped around my form. A relaxing summer day gone wrong.

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