Chapter 13

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The man looked down at me for a while until realization hit him. He seemed to remember me as his former college lover. Being watched by the Frenchman, he attempted to initiate a conversation with me.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" The guy nervously asked. "I-It's been a while. H-How are you doing?"


I couldn't give direct eye contact. At that moment, my mind was so clouded with negative memories of him that I was starting to lose focus. As I couldn't give him a response, Spy noted the terrified look on my face and started to speak up.

"I'm sorry, young mister," the French mercenary gave him a look, "but my lady and I are in a hurry. Now excuse us."

Spy immediately grabbed my hand as we climbed up the staircase faster, farther from the guy. As we were moving, I felt a pair of eyes watching me from behind. At that point, I hoped that he wasn't stalking me. I didn't look back as the Frenchman and I passed by at least ten stores on the second floor, until we found a smaller passageway that had cushioned sofas and chairs. We both entered that area before I sat on one of the red furniture. Spy took a seat right next to me, and checked his surroundings just in case the guy was following us. Thankfully, the coast was clear. The French mercenary gently pulled me into his warm, protective embrace, letting me rest my head on his chest.

"(Y/N)." He gently lifted my chin as he could see the anxious look in my eyes. "Are you feeling alright, ma chérie?"

Still affected from what happened a while ago, I slowly shook my head. Spy tightened his hug a bit and stroked my hair as he was feeling concerned about me.

"Who vas zhat guy, by the way?" The Frenchman questioned. "You seemed bothered when you saw him."

After I took my time in recovering from that encounter, I looked up at Spy with my (E/C) orbs.

"That guy who bumped into me...That guy you saw...was Cameron, my ex boyfriend."

"Your ex?" Spy looked at me with worry. "Vhat really happened between you two?"

"Well, our relationship years ago was pretty rocky." I explained. "He had such violent behavior that he did a lot of hurtful things to me."

"Really? Like vhat?"

"Pulling my hair, hitting me, calling me names, not letting me enjoy my life." Tears started to develop in my eyes. "H-He barely let me hang out with my friends just to have me on his side all the time. He would yell at me if I went anywhere without him. He never respected my privacy whatsoever. He was so selfish. All I wanted was to be happy, and he never let that happen."

Saddened by this, Spy took out his red handkerchief and gently wiped my damp cheeks and eyes. He continued stroking my hair as I cuddled in his warm arms. He couldn't imagine that I went through a lot of pain because of a guy who couldn't treat a woman right.

"Ma chérie," he lifted my chin again with his thumb and index finger while his arm was still wrapped around my waist, "zhat guy cannot have someone beautiful like you. You deserve better."

" you--" My question was cut off as I felt a pair of warm lips on mine. My face suddenly turned red like a strawberry before Spy broke the kiss.

"Oui, I really mean it." The suit-cladded mercenary nuzzled my forehead, smiling. "You're a very lovely lady vith a caring personality. Never forget zhat."

"T-Thank you, Spy..." I shyly smiled back.

"Please, my dear (Y/N). You can call me Laurent."

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