Chapter 88

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Finally! Took a quite long while since I had a busy schedule! Well anyways, enjoy!

~~~Meanwhile, at BLU team's residence~~~

"Phew...Vhat a relief..."

That long trip back had been such quite a hassle for Vincent. Since failing that mission, the Frenchman stopped following (Y/N) and his RED rival around; thus, he had to figure out different ways of returning home to his friends. Luckily for him, numerous taxis were available near the ship.

After paying for his ride, the BLU member stepped out and proceeded towards the apartment complex, climbing up a staircase and passing by doors. Arriving at one numbered 68, Vincent knocked a couple times on it, hoping that at least one friend heard him; fortunately, all lights turned on inside before the door slowly opened, revealing a certain Bostonian.

"Vincent, you're finally home..." Emitting a small yawn, the youngest teammate stepped aside for his friend to enter. "It's very late. What took ya so long?"

"Taxi ride and traffic, Jace." The Frenchman replied while taking off his dark blazer and fedora. "And you're still avake? Zhat's so unlike you. I vas kinda expecting someone like Misha, Jane, or even Hans."

"Honestly, I got worried about ya since the news report on that fight. Misha even offered to stay up for your return, but I kindly turned it down and—" He paused for a brief moment, noticing visible bruises and cuts on his friend's face. "Oh god, Vincent! Your face looks frickin' terrible! Come on! Lemme help ya!"

"No need, Jace." The support member shook his head, assuring him. "It's not zhat bad. I'll be fine—"

"No! That's never okay! We gotta take care of those injuries! Minor or not!" His friend interrupted, not accepting the older teammate's stubbornness. "Come on! Let's go grab a first aid kit!"

~~~Timeskip by Vaccinator Medic~~~

"Ugh...careful on zhat, Jace..."

"Sorry. I'm almost done."

Sitting on a sofa, Vincent remained still as the younger member carefully disinfected and covered cuts in clean bandages. Once that was done, Jace soaked up a hand towel in a bowl filled with cold water, wringing it out before applying it onto his slightly bruised eye.

"There, that should do it." The Bostonian reorganized a medical kit before closing and placing it back onto a coffee table. "How do ya feel now?"

"Much better..." The Frenchman felt much relieved, holding a damp towel over his eye. "Merci, mon ami."

"You're welcome. I just...wanted to return the favor." He stated, still sitting next to him. "Ya know, when I got into trouble with that RED knucklehead."

Vincent nodded, remembering that one time when the offense member arrived back from a failed mission, angrily expressing about wanting to punch his doppelgänger in the face. Though at times he found this Boston boy pretty annoying, the Frenchman considered him as a close friend, ever since those good days back in Teufort. While both of them leaned back on their sofa to relax, a faint ringtone sound caught their attention. Looking to their left, Vincent and Jace noticed a smartphone on the dining table, now with a lit screen displaying some notification.

"Huh?..." The support teammate slowly stood up, still holding a towel over his eye. "Zhat's strange. Who vould contact us at zhis hour?"

"No idea. Gonna check it out." His younger friend walked up to grab that mobile device, only to become shocked by a message containing a disturbing image. "Oh my frickin' god...Is that?..."

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