Chapter 39

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"Woo hoo!"

Everyone was seated with excitement as I drove on our way to the beach. The destination was about an hour away, and we left at around quarter to eight, so it was a good thing that we were able to leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic. As our vehicle entered the freeway, exiting (city name) and passing by numerous automobiles, one of the mercenaries gazed through the window as I sped up the car to sixty five mph.

"Whoa!" The unmasked Pyro looked outside with wonder. "Never seen anything like this!"

"This looks so cool!" Scout viewed from the same window.

"Oh that's right." I kept my eyes on the road. "You guys don't have freeways like this in Teufort, right?"

All of the mercenaries shook their heads. Again, everything in Teufort wasn't really lively. No busy cars. Little to no vegetation. Few buildings. Very small population. Just a land of barren desert under the scorching sun.

It had been a while since we drove into the freeway, traveling from one city to another, and getting near the coast. The ride somehow became close to an end as my (E/C) eyes caught sight of the sign stating a certain street name I was looking for.

"Hey guys! We're almost there!" I announced.

"Woo! Finally!" The mercenaries cheered.

Exiting the freeway and taking a left turn, I looked through the windshield as a sandy bar in the distance became more visible while driving closer. Fortunately at that hour, there weren't many people present, for there would usually be hundreds of them around noon. By the time I occupied a parking space underneath the trees, all of the men jumped out of the vehicle and dispersed all over the golden sand, enjoying a fresh, oceanic breeze.

"Alright! This is gonna be awesome!" Scout was already dashing towards the water as he pulled off his tank top and slipped off his shoes before diving in. "Hurry up, guys! The water's great!"

"Just a second, short pants!" Soldier set up a huge umbrella. "Need to put on some sunscreen first! Don't want to get sunburned, city boy!"

As some mercenaries joined the Bostonian for a swim and others helped the American secure their beach equipment, I took some time in the car to change out of my clothes, for I already had my (F/C) swim dress ready inside of them. Seeing that I was set to go, I climbed out the car and walked across the soft, grainy sand, letting the breeze flow through my (H/C) hair as my swimwear sparkled underneath the warm, glowing sunshine. In a distance, one of the men had his hand shielding over his eyes, trying to get a better view of me.

"Holy Dooley!" Sniper suddenly shouted which got all the attention from his friends. "Is that lil' roo?!"

The rest of the men turned their heads to where I was. All of them froze, stopping whatever they were doing as their eyes laid on me. The way that the mercenaries couldn't help but to gaze at my appearance was like as if they had witnessed a mythical mermaid appearing before them.

"Mein Gott..." Medic rubbed his glasses to assure himself that he wasn't dreaming. "Ist es nur ich? Oder sehe ich meinen schönen Engel?"

"Holy smokes..." Pyro, already unmasked, was still floating in his inner tube. "Whoever knew that my firefly would actually look amazing in that swimsuit..."

"Golly gosh..." Engie removed his black goggles while placing a picnic basket underneath the umbrella. "Well ain't mah sweet pea a beautiful sight to behold?"

All of the mercenaries were lost in thought as I walked towards them, carefully moving my bare feet along the dry, powdery sand. What I didn't realize was a small rock which eventually made me trip over. I squeaked and was about to fall forward onto the soft ground until someone quickly caught me on time.

"Be careful, mon amour!"

It was Spy who already had his arms secured around my form. I looked up to see that he, unmasked, was sporting his red Hawaiian-styled trunks. At that point, he took the time to examine me, making sure I didn't get any minor injuries. Fortunately, there weren't any, but the Frenchman still kept me in his gentle grip.

"By the vay," he gently swept some hair strands from my face, "you look very lovely."

"T-Thanks, Laurent." I blushed a little while trying to stand up.

"Now now, let me help you."

Before I could say anything, I was lifted off the sand. Spy chuckled and nuzzled my forehead before carrying me to a shaded area where our umbrella was set up. Laying me down on a red towel, the Frenchman sat on my side to grab some bottle from our belongings. I was going to sit up until he stopped me.

"Lie down, ma chérie." He gently placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to rub sunscreen on your back."

Feeling my cheeks turn red like a cranberry, I did just what I was told, crossing arms underneath my chin with my abdomen facing down. The Frenchman then squeezed an adequate amount of sunblock lotion before gently applying it to my bare back. Never once in my life that someone offered to put sunscreen on my back; but frankly, it felt very relaxing as his hands caressed my skin. Once that was done, Spy smiled and lifted me in his arms again, standing up.

"Laurent?!" I gave him a surprised look. "W-What are you doing?!"

"Get ready for it." The French mercenary smirked.

"Wait what—Ahhh!"

As I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, Spy dashed towards the vast, sparkling body of water. Jumping into it, he splashed all over his friends who then rubbed their eyes as a result of a salty, oceanic swashing.

"Holy crap, Spy!" The Bostonian managed to clear his vision from the water splashed on his face.

"Ya better watch where ya diving in, spook!" An Aussie yelled as he wiped his aviators.

Within a few seconds, both Spy and I poked our heads out of the water. Just as I rubbed my eyes to rid that mild stinging sensation, a pair of arms wrapped around my form.

"Surprised you, didn't I?" He let out a chuckle.

"Laurent, you..."

With a flick of my hand, I splashed water at his face for fun, giggling as he released me from his hug to wipe away the salty drops from his mahogany orbs. After he combed his fingers through his now soaked black hair, Spy gave me nothing but a devilish grin.

"Vell zhen...looks like you better swim away, ma précieuse sirène. For le requin français is coming to get you!"

I immediately swam quickly in freestyle, screaming playfully as the Frenchman went in full predatory mode for a capture; but after a few seconds, he finally wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down underwater. Around ten inches below the surface, I opened my (E/C) eyes to a blurry vision of my surroundings, holding my breath until Spy pulling me closer. And in that position, the French mercenary pressed his lips onto mine, holding me securely until we both float back up to the surface, gasping for air.

"Geez Laurent..." I let out a soft laugh, face still slightly crimson. "You really had to do that, didn't you?"

Keeping me in his embrace, the Frenchman gave a small smile and kissed my reddened cheek. As we sighed while floating, with our foreheads touching each other, a random loud voice was heard feet away.

"Come on, cupcake and crouton!" An American bellowed. "We're going to play a game!"

"Alright! We're coming, Solly!"

And just like that, Spy and I swam together side by side, heading towards where the other men were waiting. An interesting fun in the sun, indeed.

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