Chapter 3

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~~~Meanwhile, in the video game~~~

It was a hot and humid morning in the Badlands region. In a town known as Teufort, there stood two large facilities. One called the Builders League United, or BLU for short. The other the Reliable Excavation Demolition, or RED. Today was ceasefire day, so everyone was very happy to take a day off from fighting for the intelligence. At this time, the entire BLU team already drove out of town to have fun someplace else.

In the RED base, everyone except Medic, Spy, and Engineer were in the rec room doing their usual activities. Heavy, Demoman, Scout, and Soldier were playing poker at the table. Sniper was busy cleaning his kukri. And Pyro was having a little tea party with his balloonicorn plushie. So where were the other three? Well, Medic was in the medbay writing medical reports of his fellow teammates. Spy was in his smoking room while reading his favorite French literature. And Engineer? Well this was how it went down.

The Engineer was in his workshop, developing a secret device. No one knew what he was doing, for he had kept himself in his shop for weeks. He only went out whenever he had to go grab a bite or drive out to buy some more machine components. At this point, his secret invention was nearing to completion.

"Ahh almost there." The Texan was focused on attaching metal parts for the finishing touches. "Now if I just place this here and...yes. It's finally done!" He smiled proudly at his own work. "Ah gotta tell the others that we can try this tonight!"

Engineer finally stepped out of workshop, earning many head turns from his fellow teammates in the rec room. The poker game was interrupted when all of the players put down their cards to look at their friend. The rugged Aussie just finished cleaning his weapons while the masked man cuddled his beloved plush friend. Seeing the Texan looking very happy and relieved, the American with the gray helmet spoke up.

"Hey Engie!" He called by his nickname. "I assume that you're done with this invention of yours?"

"Yah! And it's ready for testin'! Ah want everyone in mah workshop tonight at seven sharp!"

Just as the Texan entered the kitchen for a well-deserved break time, the rest of the men whispered amongst themselves.

"Ah wonder whit Engineer's got fer us." A Scottish man with an eyepatch said.

"No clue, Demo. But whateva it is, it sounds really exciting!" The Bostonian boy seemed to be pumped up.

"Hudda hudda!" Exclaimed the mysterious masked friend as he held his balloonicorn.

"Well, let's go tell the other mates about it." An Aussie stood up from his chair and entered the hallway with the others trailing behind to get the German doctor and the French suit-clad spy.

~~~9 hours later~~~

It was now seven p.m. in Teufort when the mercenaries gathered in front of Engineer's workshop. Just around four hours earlier, the Texan instructed them to pack everything including their weapons and extra sets of clothes. The other classes wondered why, but they agreed to do it anyway. Right now, each of them was carrying a duffel bag loaded with necessities and weapons. Scout was able to catch up to them while running with a lighter bag and a baseball bat in his hand.

"Yo Engie!" Scout caught the Texan's attention while placing his stuff on the ground. "So why'd you tell us to pack up?"

Now that everyone was present, Engineer made an announcement. "Everybody, ah finally made this machine...This certain device will allow us to travel to different universes."

Everyone gave each other glances. That was when the German doctor spoke up.

"Vhat? Jou mean zhat machine can let us visit various vorlds?!"

"Exactly, doc! Ah just don't know how long we'll be in there. That's why ah asked everyone to gather their belongings."

"I zee." The Frenchman walked up while throwing away his cigarette. "But how vill ve get back home, if I may ask?"

"Well yah see, ah have this remote that will help us get back. It's got limited power though, but it can recharge over time if ah don't use it." Everyone understood and nodded, and Engineer turned around to activate his invention. All of the mercenaries had their jaws dropped as the machine roared to life, opening a spiraling portal so strong that it could suck anything in. "Everybody, the machine's all set! Get ready to jump in! Hold on to ya stuff!"

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go--AHH!!" Scout suddenly got sucked in along with his bat and duffel.

"FREEDOOOOOM!" Demoman charged into the portal.

"Hudda hudda!" Pyro jumped in with balloonicorn.

"Let's get to it!" Sniper hopped in, followed by Spy and Engineer.

"LAST ONE ALIVE LOCK THE DOOR!" The gruff Soldier screamed as he rocket jumped into the portal. That left Medic and Heavy behind.

"Umm Doktor, is there something wrong?" The tall Russian guy asked the nervous German.

"Vell, I never done somezhing like zhis! I'm too scared to jump in!"

"Well then. Heavy will help leetle Doktor!" In a second, the Russian man carried Medic over his shoulder and held the bags in one hand.

"Vait! I'm not ready--AHHHH!!!"

As the German and Russian finally got in, the portal slowly shrunk until it completely disappeared. However, little did everyone know that a mechanical malfunction started to develop in Engineer's latest machine.

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