Chapter 23

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~~~Timeskip by Pootis Bird~~~

Hours passed as the mercenaries spent their time downstairs, doing their usual activities after cleaning up the mess strewn all over the dining room. Scout and Pyro were playing around with their action figures. Demoman was taking a nap on the couch. And all of the support classes, Medic, Sniper, and Spy, were playing poker at a table. While they were at it, Soldier and Heavy were standing outside at the front porch, guarding the door as they were ordered by their Texan friend during the meeting. It was around six p.m., and they were already aware that (Y/N)'s father would be arriving home anytime soon. Gazing upon the soft-glowing sunset in the distance, the American readjusted his helmet before turning to his Russian teammate.

"Say Commie," Soldier broke the silence between them, "got any idea what's taking that toymaker so long?"

"Heavy has no clue," the Russian responded while holding his minigun, "but Heavy remembers leetle man saying he will just check on leetle (Y/N)."

Shrugging his shoulders, the blond mercenary continued watching his surroundings, checking every spot to ensure that neither Cameron nor that mysterious hooded figure was present. As several minutes went by, a certain bird flew to Heavy's shoulder, chirping sweetly.

"Aww." The Russian smiled as he moved his finger in front of it, letting the gray and yellow-feathered fellow perch on it. "Isn't this leetle (Y/N)'s tiny bird?"

"Oh yeah." Soldier reached out his hand to gently stroke her head, only to be suddenly blocked by a flying, blurred fluff of white.

"What the?!"

Within seconds, Archimedes was already perching next to Maxie, cooing softly as he gently nuzzled her orange cheek, not wanting her to disappear from his sight. As a response, the cockatiel chirped dearly, leaving a small peck on the dove's beak.

"Aww..." Both the American and Russian said in unison.

As they enjoyed the unexpected company of lovebirds, an annoyed German stepped out of the door, interrupting them.


"It's alright, Pigeon Daddy." The Russian teased his German friend. "Leetle Soldier and I find it cute."

"Ugh fine zhen!" The doctor huffed as he turned around to join the others. But before he did, he looked at his teammates again. "Engie didn't come downstairs yet, did he?"

Both Soldier and Heavy shook their heads. As the German left them, they resumed their time petting Maxie and Archimedes.

~~~Meanwhile, in (Y/N)'s room~~~

(Your P.O.V.)

After a comfortable rest, I slowly opened my eyes, trying to remember what happened earlier. All I could recall was that kissing moment with Sniper. Those vivid images played in my mind as I tried to get up; but however, something was holding me down. I looked to find an arm wrapped around my waist, but I realized that the arm didn't belong to the Aussie. That was when I slowly turned around, only to find Engie sleeping beside me. How long had he been there? My thoughts were interrupted when a few snores were heard from the Texan, who then tightened his grip around my form, pulling me closer to his chest. From that close contact, I felt a warm breath on my face as he rested his forehead on mine, letting his earthy scent of pine fill up my nostrils. Blushing deeply, I remained trapped in his embrace, knowing that it was impossible to slip out of that position; but at the same time, I actually quite enjoyed it. Without thinking, I left a gentle peck on his nose, cuddling more in his body warmth. Engie suddenly woke up, developing redness in his cheeks as he noticed how close we were. Despite that, however, he let out a soft chuckle and nuzzled my head.

"How's mah sleepin' beauty?" The Texan took my hand in his, holding it gently. "Slept very well?"

"Mhm." I nodded in response. "How about you?"

"Pretty much." While still keeping me in his hug, Engie took the time to look into my (E/C) eyes. "Say (Y/N), there's somethin' Ah wanna ask ya."

"Sure, Dell. What is it?"

Hearing me say his real name, the emerald-eyed mercenary couldn't help but to think how adorable I sounded at that. Smiling softly, he let go of my hand, just to move his up to my hair, stroking it.

"May Ah..." He paused for a moment. "...kiss ya?"

Just as I was going to answer, I felt Dell snaking his other arm around my form, just to move it a little further down to where my buttocks were, giving them a light squeeze. I let out a small squeak, earning a chuckle from the Texan. Oh my, what had gotten into him? This made me feel so embarrassed that I partially covered my cheeks with my hair. Seeing this reaction of mine, Dell giggled and carefully swept the hair strands away, revealing my reddened face.

"Ah take that as a yes~" He purred. "No need to be shy, mah beautiful doll~"

Before I could say anything, a pair of warm lips closed the distance between us. Unlike Sniper's, Dell's kiss was very soft and gentle. Holding still in his embrace, I slowly gave in, losing myself in the kiss with a Texan. As this went on, the green-eyed mercenary hovered over my form, pinning my arms above my head with one hand, and using the other to cup my cheek. Blushing deeply, I let out a squealing noise as Dell peppered kisses all over my face, not even leaving a single spot untouched. Enjoying every second of it, the Texan trailed butterfly kisses down to my neck; from there, he began biting and sucking on my skin, earning a sudden moan from me. That sound emitted from me was like music to Dell's ears, and he wanted to hear more of it. Letting go of my arms, he repositioned his hand on my thigh, rubbing it as he still sucked on my neck; but then, unexpectedly, he slipped that hand under a skirt part of the dress, only to grope my buttocks through my tight shorts. That made me squeal so loudly that the Texan immediately pressed his lips onto mine to muffle it. After what seemed like forever, we finally broke the kiss for air, feeling dazed as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Gosh darn." Dell nuzzled my nose. "You sound so adorable with those moans, sugar cube."

Just as he was about to lean in for another kiss, a snapshot was heard. Both the Texan and I immediately turned our heads, only to find the rest of the teammates staring at us, eyes widened and jaws dropped. To my surprise, Spy appeared to be holding my smartphone, which he probably used to snap a photo of Dell and me in that position.

"WHAT THE HELL, YOU GREASE MONKEY?!!" Soldier stomped over to pick up Engie by the collar. "WHAT ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH DID YOU DO TO CUPCAKE?!!"

"W-We were just cuddlin'."

"Cuddling?!" The Frenchman interrupted as he held up my device, showing the picture he took earlier. "Zhat didn't look cuddling to me!"

As the Texan was unable to speak, I immediately got up from bed to break up the argument.

"You guys, please calm down!" I then turned to the American. "Soldier, please put him down!"

Softening his expression, the gruff mercenary finally let go of the Texan, feeling apologetic for his actions. When that was done, I looked at the rest of the teammates who were still standing near the doorway.

"What time is it, by the way?"

"Like five minutes 'til seven." Scout noticed something on my neck. "Sweet cheeks, what's that purple spot on your skin?"


I was interrupted when Spy held my neck to examine it. Realizing what it exactly was, the French mercenary frowned even more.


Hearing those angry words from Spy, the RED teammates glared at Engie, who was now gulping and sweating nervously. Just as I was going to do something to help the Texan, a faint doorbell was heard from downstairs. I suddenly froze, for I figured that my dad was finally home.

"Everyone! My father's here! Please hide in my room!"

All of the mercenaries nodded, remembering that they needed to stay out of sight when my dad was present. As soon as I left the room, Spy turned to the Texan, still feeling upset.

"Ve vill deal vith zhis, later..."

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