Chapter 31 - Ultron

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"Mira? Mira!", I hugged her again

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"Mira? Mira!", I hugged her again. "I'm glad to see you. Again mother.", she says as she hugs me. "What happened? Steve? What the hell happened?", I asked him. "You gave us a scare, doll. You vanished for like an hour. Then, the next minute you're here again.", Bucky explains.

"Oh. I'm sorry if you got scared.", I apologized rubbing my neck. "Well, I got to meet Death, so there's that.", I say chuckling nervously. "If it's you, I shouldn't be asking how, or even why.", Steve says. "So, what do say Mira. You want to meet your sisters?", I ask her which seems to excite the ball of sunshine. "Of course!", she says happily jumping in place and clapping. Kawaii.

"Heimdall, let us home please.", I say. "Oh. Schmidt, thank you for guarding her.", I managed to say before Heimdall took us back to Earth. "You know everyone baby?", I ask Mira who is clinging to me like a monkey. "Mira!", I heard the others yell before we were tackled. "Sisters!", Mira shouted after hugging.

"Where's Hugi?", she asked noticing that Hugi wasn't there. "She's being studied by Tony and Bruce.", I answered her thoughts. "They better take care of my sister.", she threatens as we go inside. "Let's meet the team for the time being. After that, we rest and prepare for tomorrow. You'll be having your first party.", I say to her grinning.

"Hey team! Meet the last member of my daughters, Mira!", I announced and she introduced herself. We talked for the rest of the night until I noticed her droopy eyes. "It's time to sleep now Mira.", I say and she followed her sisters. I smiled fondly as the sisters made their way to their shared rooms. "You really love them do you Meda?", Nat asks to which I smiled.

"Of course, Nat. The reason I left shadowed SHIELD was, I became tired of the life I've been living. So, I went to the Philippines. Lived there for a while, until you know...the Chitauri. Then the girls came in, suddenly I have a new purpose in life. I can say they saved me as much as I saved them.", I say laying back on the couch. We chat further before it was already 11:00. "I'm gonna retire to bed. Goodnight, Nat.", I say heading off to my room.


Morning came and I was excited to say the least. This morning is when me and my daughters can bond. I got down to do my business and head down to eat. And didn't expect to see Loki cooking. "I didn't know you can cook Loki.", I joked to which he grumbled. "I only want to do it to Tessa but her sisters arrived so I was not given any choice.", he said making Tessa and the others giggle. "Where are the others?", I ask while getting a coffee.

"Steve and Bucky were out for their run, probably taunting Sam. Tony and Bruce just got a coffee before you arrived. Thor is still waking up. Nat is in the training room for like, two hours now. And Clint is probably with his family until later for the party.", Mira said rubbing her eyes. "Thank you, Mira. Now, hurry up and finish your breakfast, we'll go shopping for your dresses." I say before heading to bath. Minutes later, I dressed with my casual clothes a.k.a. my old uniform, only a bit different.

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