Epilogue: A Legacy Ends

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Previously on Enhanced:

Dozens more portals opening up all around the battlefield.

Strange himself descend in

He is joined by Drax, Mantis, Quill, and Peter.

Through the portals came the Wakandan army, Valkyrie and the Asgardians, Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts and several Ravager ships. Amongst the portals of heroes, I saw Bucky, Groot, and Wanda with Pietro, Hope, and the Mark 49 "Rescue" with Pepper arrive.

"Now this, this defines an Avenger .Maybe Thanos' army came here from the past and maybe it's too much for us for all of us, but it's all on him. Because I can't protect the while Universe, I can be damned well sure someone will avenge it. The next generation of heroes are ready."

"Alright. It's not so bad to join the fray too early."



The Avengers rush as well Thanos' forces into an epic clash for the Universe.

Scott punches the shit out of a Leviathan and the battlefield is a flurry of fighting. T'challa spin heels an Outrider while Okoye stabs one at the same time Shuri is firing her vibranium sonic gauntlets. Drax attack Cull Obsidian who is attacking Korg freeing him. Pepper fires a repulsor blast on a necrocraft following Tony as Tony fires on a Chitauri chariot and the Iron Couple destroys many more as they unleash their respective unibeams.

"Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, Because I woke up, and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, "It's been five years. Come on, they need us." And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time-"

"What are you doing? Oh, this is nice."

"Hey, boys! Let's have the reunion later! We need some help here!"

"Gamora? I thought I lost you."


"That's not your Gamora, Quill. Unfortunately, she is really dead."

"Cap! Meda! What do you want me to do with this damn thing?!"

"Get those stones as far away as possible!"

"No! We need to get them back where they came from!"

"Or else we are risking the timeline to collapse."

"No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel."

"That's not our only time machine. Scott! Ring it!"

"Sit rep! I want to know the location of that van!"

"I see it! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!"

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you."

"Okay, everybody listen up! We're playing pass the stones! Get it to the quantum tunnel at the same time don't let any of Thanos' goons to have a hand on it!"

"T'challa! Clint's near you! Take the stones!"

"You three said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it."

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