Chapter 19 - The Aether

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It's very early in the morning and we're here at the palace roaming aimlessly looking for the king and queen's room

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It's very early in the morning and we're here at the palace roaming aimlessly looking for the king and queen's room. I'm pretty sure she's awake now, or I can just ask the guards to where Frigga is. "Hey Tessa, why don't we ask the guards?", I say. "You know that's a very good idea.", she points out. "How the hell didn't you think of that before?!", I exclaimed.

"I'm tipsy. Don't ask.", she said slightly slurring that you can't even tell it's a slur. "Oh, my Norns. You guys get drunk?", I say not believing her. "Note to self: Do not let the Infinity Stones drink alcohol.", I murmur. "Oh, don't be ridiculous mom, I didn't even drink that much. And it's not like you got drunk once.", she said.

She clearly isn't thinking straight because she's drunk or I am still sleepy and exhausted because she just called me mom. "Did you just call me mom? Is that what you think of me now?", I ask amused. Amused because she is blushing furiously. "W-w-what are you talking about? O-o-of course not. Why would I say that?", she said seemingly to sober up as she quickly averted her gaze.

"I'm not the God of Mischief and Lies but I know when people lie. Perks of living for almost 200 years.", I say making her blush even harder. She's almost as red as the reddest color and it's becoming funnier each passing second.

I was giggling all the way through the throne room. "Will you stop giggling?", Tessa asks me still red. "Not until you admit you see me as a mother figure.", I say smirking. "Oh, for the love God! Yes, okay! I see you as my mother! I don't know about the others, but yes, I see you as my mother.", she said extremely red. I burst into hysterics because I can't take her face anymore. Her whole face up to her ears is red.

We stopped and while I was laughing, she is glaring daggers at me. "Okay, Okay I'll stop.", I say but because I was laughing it sounded like 'Kay...HAHAHAHA...L....stop....HAHAHA' causing Tessa to groan. After one more minute I finally stopped laughing clutching my stomach and wiping tears. "Finished?", she says. "Yeah, yeah I'm good now. Come here. Hug me first.", I say and she begrudgingly went to me and hugged me. "Alright let's go to mother Frigga."

After a while of walking, I felt some kind of familiar energy in some part of the universe. Tessa also felt this because she perked up too. "You felt that too, didn't you?", I asked her. "Come on mom, let's get to Heimdall.", she says although still not comfortable calling me mom.

We teleported to Himinbjorg and saw that the Heimdall seems to be waiting for someone. "Heimdall, what is happening?", I ask the man. "Jane Foster disappeared from my sights. Thor went to Earth to know what is happening.", he said not taking a look at us. He must be monitoring Thor. I looked at Tessa and we talked through our minds.

Could it be?

Maybe. We can't confirm it until Thor gets back here with the woman. But the energy is like mine.

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