Chapter 8 - The First Avenger

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"This way

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"This way.", Agent Carter said leading me to an antique shop. I have no idea why she is leading me here. "What are we doing here?", I ask but she doesn't answer me. She just continued on to the shop. "Follow me.", she said before entering. An old lady came up to us. "Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?", the old lady greeted Agent Carter. "Yes, but I always carry an umbrella.", she says. I think I saw the old lady touch something under the counter then Agent Carter leads me further inside. I saw the bookshelf open up. So, this is a secret facility, impressive.

Everybody's eyes lands on me once we entered the lab. Even Peggy-I mean agent Carter. We come down to greet Erskine. "Good morning.", Erskine says shaking my hand. "Please, not now.", he said to the photographer. "Are you ready?", Erskine asks me. I only nod at him. "Good. Take off your shirt, your tie and your hat.", I obey him. I climbed to the pod and.... laid down? I don't know I just kind of stand, I think. " Comfortable?", Erskine asks me again. "It's a little big. You save me any of that schnapps?", I want to taste that. "Not as much as I should have. Sorry. Next time.", aw man. "Mr. Stark, how are your levels?", he talks to Stark. Which I only recognize now that he's here. "Levels at 100%", I don't listen to their talk. I focus on not feeling the pain somehow.

"Good.", Erskine said. "We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we'll ever be.", Stark says. That much power to be a super soldier? Wow. That much stakes US must be really into defeating Germany. I notice Agent Carter is still here somehow. "Agent Carter? Don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?", he says. "Oh, yes. Of course. Sorry.", she says as she rushes into the viewing booth upstairs. 

I take the microphone and started to talk about the procedure

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I take the microphone and started to talk about the procedure. "Do you hear me? is this on? Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro injections into the subject's major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays.", after that I came to Steven. "That wasn't so bad.", he says. "That was penicillin.", I say to him before turning to the others. "Serum infusion beginning in five, four, three, two, one.", I see the blue liquid disappear into Steve.

"Now, Mr. Stark.", the pod is now standing upright and I go near it knocked on the glass for Steve. "Steven, can you hear me?", I say. "It's probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?", he says. I huff in amusement at that. I turn to Stark to initiate. "We will proceed.", Stark starts the controls. "That's ten percent. Twenty percent. Thirty. That's 40 %. That's 50 %. Sixty. Seventy.", he says until we hear Steve scream probably in pain. "Steven!", I shout at him. He just continues to scream. God, I hope the lady was right and this serum is now complete. I hear Peggy say to shut the reactor down. I will call him one last time to make sure he's all right. "Steven!"

"Shut it down!", Peggy shouts louder. I'm killing the reactor. "Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!", I shout to Stark. But Steve shouts this time. "No! Don't! I can do this!", this man has the guts and courage, maybe I'm right this time. "Eighty. Ninety. That's 100 %.", Stark says as sparks flew all around us and the reactor shuts itself down. "Mr. Stark?", I call him to open the pod.

Oh my god.

(Cue MUSIC!!)

The pod opens up and I feel like I worked out for seven days non-stop

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The pod opens up and I feel like I worked out for seven days non-stop. "I did it.", I say huffing. "Yeah, yeah. I think we did it.", I hear Erskine said. "We actually did it.", Stark replied. They are actually supporting me up but let go once I am on my feet. Miss Carter comes towards us and hands me a towel. "How do you feel?", she asks. Meh. A bit taller, I guess. "Taller.", I say. "You look taller.", she looks at me. Everyone around me is congratulating us. Even the funds people I think, came down. One of them shakes hand with Erskine, then something exploded at the viewing area.

We all took cover from the glass shards. Erskine shouts something but then I heard gunshots. I look around and see Erskine on the ground, shot. Miss Carter pulls out a gun and shoots the bomber. I kneel before Erskine looking at him. He wants to say something, he points to my chest and I remember what he said the night before. I need to chase this guy for Erskine.

I come up and the old lady is dead, and a car is burning outside. Peggy is still shooting at a car and it getting closer so I decide to get her out of its way. "I had him!", she yells at me. "Sorry!", I yell back and chase this taxi cab. He's far now but he picked the wrong neighborhood. I know these streets and take the alley to shorten the chase.

Because I'm still very new to this body, I can't turn or control my speed and crash into a wedding store. I shout sorry and kept on chasing the car. I turn down to the alleyway and see the taxi. I took a jump but misjudged my strength so I literally went over the fence. Great I can jump higher I'm going to use that to my advantage.

I jump over cars and landed on the taxi. The guy tries to swerve and shoot to lose me, this continued 'till we reach the pier. He took his eye away on the road to shoot me at the side of the car door and slams into a truck. I let go of the car just as it rolls. He gets out, and starts to shoot me. I pick up the car door as a make-shift shield. He shoots at me again twice, last four shots.

He takes a kid hostage, shooting at me as I come closer. He shoots me again three times. We reach the docks and he threatens to shoot the kid. "No! Don't!", He aims at me but his gun doesn't fire. Got to say I flinched. He throws the boy into the water and runs. I look at the kid to make sure he's not drowning. "Go get him! I can swim!", the boy says. Oh, thank God. I continue to chase the gunman and I see some kind of submarine and I jump into the water. I reached the submarine and punch the glass so hard that it breaks.

I throw him out of the water where I confronted him. I advanced towards him and he flips out a knife as he backs down but I knock it out of his hands. "Who the hell are you?", I ask him lifting him with his collar. "The first of many. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." he say then he pops out his tooth, crushed it and he foam in the mouth dying with his final words.

"Hail HYDRA!"

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