Sage levitated into the living room that made Ariana look up when the white mage observed her business.

"Oh, hi, mother." Ariana said. "I was wondering if I can upgrade this machine into my weapon."

"Hm, very interesting." Sage said with small smile on her face. "Many scientific mages upgraded and adapted their arsenal for many generations."

"Even using modern technology?" Ariana asked.

"Of course, and you may upgrade the machine into your weapon." Sage replied.

"But that's not fair! You just say...!" Ariana shouted disappointingly until she heard what her mother just said. "Wait, what?"

"I said yes." Sage repeated.

"Great!" Ariana said excitedly as she jumped on her feet. "With this technology, I can advance every limitless possibilities."

"But remember technology is a means, not an end." Sage warned as she watched Ariana gazing at the droid with excitement in her daughter's eyes. "You and your skills must prevail in battle, not your weapon."

"And that's the solution!" Ariana said, picking up the droid on her back and looked back at Sage. "I'll turn this machine into a combat weapon! Thanks, mother!"

Then, Ariana closed her lab door and began working on her newest invention.


Few minutes later, Casey sat on the couch and searched for videos on his K-Phone. He instantly found a strange video that has something to do with the Kraang.

"Hey, guys!" Casey called. "Check out this video I've found!"

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra walked towards Casey to join him on the couch.

"So, what's up, Case?" Camilla asked.

"I've found a video that can track down the Kraang." Casey explained. "Check it out."

Casey pressed a button on the screen and pulled up a link video that showed a familiar alien droid walking through the smoke of a blowup explosion.

"It is a Kraangdroid." Norbit said, walking over to his friends.

"We'll check it out tonight." Kirana said.

"But why not now?" Casey questioned.

"Even though it's daytime, we still must train for our next mission." Talia explained.

"Well then, I'll do it." Casey said as he placed his K-Phone into his pocket.

Casey marched towards the fortress exit with his gear, but Ezra stood in front of him to prevent him from leaving.

"Casey, think about this." Ezra said. "It could be dangerous."

"Ezra, this is Casey Jones you're talking about." Casey said. His voice suddenly became threatening. "But there's no way you're standing between me and my job as a full force vigilante."

Casey's serious look was enough to stand up against Ezra, who sighed in defeat and put his hands up defensively and stepped aside. Casey exited out the fortress with a victorious smile.


Meanwhile, three mage kunoichis, a mage ninja, and a robot friend were minding their own business in the living room until they heard heavy steps echoing through the fortress. Kirana and Camilla immediately turned to see what was causing the ground to shake while Talia and Ezra jumped behind the couch in a panic. Norbit just turned his head and saw something coming from the lab. They watched as a 209cm marionette puppet-like automation entering the living room. She has short light blond hair, green eyes with two-line crack on each, two big golden rings on each side of her hat, and metallic hands have sharp, hooked protrusions on the fingertips. She also wore silver-and-purple dress with slits up the sides and a pair of purple ankle high-heeled boots.

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