My Attempt at a Chanukah Special

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to need the whole day off for that one, they want me to get there early to run it a few times, and to stay until the end for questions."

"For what?" Dick asked.

"This convention and fundraiser pitch for the LGBTQ safe houses across Gotham." Bruce explained. "They want me to speak.

"They want you to be there? You're the most privileged, white, cis-het motherfucker I've ever met." Jason volleyed into the mix.

"It's because I co-own the building." Bruce explained. "And I'm the main financial contributor to the charity that's running it. Personally, I'd rather if there were more Gay, Trans, and Two-spirit people talking, but lord knows no one listens when they talk about their own issues "

Dick shoved a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. "Is it by invitation?"

"Why? Do you want to come?" His father asked.

Dick shrugged. "It actually sounds kinda cool. I wanted to know if I could bring some friends."

"How many?"

"Just the team." Dick replied. "We've gone to stuff like that before, but never anything this fancy." He said innocently, like he wasn't building an ulterior motive as they spoke.

Bruce thought for a second. "I suppose I can get a few extra tickets for you and your friends."

"Coolness." Dick got up to clear his plate. "I'll tell them to clear their schedules."

Early-mid December, Gotham City

"What Flavour of Lacroix are you drinking?" M'gann asked. She was vlogging for the team's youtube channel.

"Hibiscus." Dick showed the can.

"I have the last can of Lemonchello, which awesome.

"And I've got the heavily debated coconut Lacroix." M'gann said. "Personally I love it, but the rest of the team doesn't, so I get the whole pack to myself. So what are we doing?"

"The bus stop was closed."

"I didn't know that could happen." The martian commented.

"Yeah, well, we need to get on a number four Rapidbus to get to this workshop convention thing, and the next stop is approximately a million miles away, so." The blonde shrugged.

"We wanna get there fast because we're supposed to meet Superboy, Aqualad and KF in the lobby, and we're running late." Robin explained.

This was Dick's ulterior motive. He bet that Artemis didn't expect them to remember that yesterday was the first night of Chanukah. Her sorry ass was going to be so surprised that they loved and celebrated her identity!

They brought their Chanukah gifts for her in Wally's Backpack, and were all going to get lunch and go thrifting down town after the event. 

M'gann paused filming for a minute. "How do you guys know your way around such a big city? I get lost in Happy Harbour!"

"I've been running around here since I was nine." 

"Oh my god, will you stop bringing that up unprompted?" Artemis groaned. "We get it: you're more experienced than any of us, and You've been doing this since you were a fetus! "

"What I was Going to say was that Bats and the brothers would get really mad if I got lost, so I had to learn my way around so I didn't get yelled at." Robin told her.

"Will you quit brining up you're childhood trauma unprompted? That's my thing!" The blonde ranted. she turned to M'gann. "When you live in Gotham, you just know Gotham." Artemis said. "I've probably been on every functioning bus in the city!"

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