Overprotective Brothers VS Bringing a Boy Home

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-Thank you to egyptb2008 for the request-

-Today I learned that the Transphobic sports kid in my class is literally a white supremacist. Plus he has no real points, and if you disagree, he just calls you a sheep. YIKES.-


Damian - 28

Tim - 24

Jason - 19

Wally - 17

Dick - 15

"Kiss?" Dick asked.

Wally agreed, pressing his lips into his boyfriend's.They waited a few seconds, and then pulled away. "Want be to drop you home?"

"Yes please."

"Get on." Wally meant over a little, helping Dick scramble onto his back, and he hurried off towards Gotham. 

It was mid-storm in Gotham, even worse than usual Wally had to slow down a little for fear that his kinetic energy would attract unwanted electricity.  they were both soaked through as Wally stumbled to his feet in front of the manor.

"Keep safe." Wally said, lowering Dick from his piggy-back ride. "Go dry off."

Dick paused. "Don't go to fast, I don't you to get hit by lightning. Besides the obvious reasons, we don't know what'll happen."

Wally grinned, shoving his soaking hair from his face. "DOUBLE SUPER SPEED!"

"No!" Dick giggled. He let Wally pull him into rain-covered a kiss.

"RICHARD!" The boys split apart, stumbling backwards through the deep puddles that had already formed in the driveway. Damian was storming from the manor, into the rain. "Stay away from him!" Damian growled, storming towards Wally.

"Dick! Are you okay?" Tim followed his bother into the rain and grabbed Dick off the  gravel. "What happened? Come inside?"

"Guys? What the hell?" Dick shouted over the rustling gravel and pounding rain.

"Boys? What the-" Bruce leaned out the door, having evidently heard his kids running full-speed out the door. "Dick, are you okay? It's pouring rain! Everyone inside." His boys all started shouting at once. "Everyone! You too, Wally, I don't want you out there."

"Yessir." Wally followed his boyfriend inside. He nudged Dick's arm a little. "I see he's not onboard with our double-super-speed idea."

Dick was busy scowling at his brothers, but spared a few seconds to give Wally's hand a squeeze. They kicked off their shoes and hung up their sopping jackets.

"Don't walk away, I'm in the middle of-" Jason had emerged from the kitchen, clearly upset that his father had walked off mid-argument. "Oh. Hey Wally."

"Hi Jay." the redhead rung a little water from his hair.

"Bruce! Where'd you go? Were you even listening to me?" Jason shouted at their father.

"Jason, I've been agreeing with you this entire debate." Bruce pointed out. "I'll be right back with you." He turned to his youngest son and his friend. "What were you two doing out in the storm, They've issued warnings."

"Well, We hung out in Jump for the day to get Boba, and we just came back." Dick justified, shivering in his soaked-through clothing.

"Yeah, I should probably head back..." Wally murmured, not really wanting to.

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