Babysitter Jay, his Girlfriend, and their Boyfriend

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-HEEHEE  *B I G*  Age Gap HEHEE-


Jason - 17


"I'm sorry, okay!" Jason barked into the phone. "...I know, but BrUcE  came at me this morning like 'You're still watching your brother today right?' like, NO, BRUCE! You never ran that by me! And he was like 'I told you you'd have to watch him last week', and I swear to fuck he didn't..."

"So you're cancelling?" Roy asked

"Yeah." Jason groaned.

"But we planned this weeks ago!" Kori said.

"I know! I don't Want to watch him! But Bruce is on my ass about it!" Jason ranted. He heard his father yelling from the next room. "I gotta go." Jason hung up with a sigh. 


"CHRIST! I KNOW! I'm coming!" He yelled impatiently, shoving his phone in his pocket and storming into the main room. He was furious at Bruce for making his cancel his date, it took almost a month just to schedule it, and now Bruce was springing a baby-sitting gig on him?


"Hi Dickie." He immediately dropped his angry demeanor, leaning forwards to fluff his baby brother's hair. "You need to stop growing. Promise you'll stop growing?"

"Nope!" Dick grinned, leaning into Jason's hand like a cat.

"I'll be going on patrol immediately after the dinner, so I probably won't be back until the early morning." Bruce said, sorting through his pockets with his youngest son on his hip.

"Got it." Jason agreed. 

Bruce  heaved a heavy sigh, finally locating his keys. "Okay, there's pizza in the freezer, and instructions on the counter."

"Bruce, I know how to take care of my own little brother." Jason said, still bent over to his little brother's height.

"Alright." Bruce grabbed his coat with his free arm. "His bedtime's at eight, make sure he eats his dinner." Bruce put his youngest son down on the carpet. 

"I know." Jason replied.

"Alright." His father grunted a little, stretching. "Dickie, be good to Jason."

"Going?" Dick asked.

"Yes Dick, I'm going now." Bruce told him. "But don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow morning when you wake up, okay?" Dick nodded. "Alright, have fun you two."

As their father left, Jason picked his baby brother up and carried him to the living room. "You wanna watch TV?" Dick nodded excitedly as Jason put him down on the couch. "What do you wanna watch?" 

Dick thought a little. "Kim Possible!"

"Kim Possible?" Jason asked. 


"Oki doki, Kim Possible it is." Jason turned on the TV and went to Disney plus. "Do you want a snack?" Dick nodded. "What do you want?"

"I dunno."

"How about cheese and crackers? We also have some of Alfred's Cookies left over."

Dick nodded excitedly. "Yes please!"

"Alrighty..." Jason started from the room. "You want Milk or juice?"


"Got it." Jason smiled, leaving his brother to watch tv.

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