Chapter 15

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Wonwoo opened his left eyes as he looked at Mingyu beside him. They were laying on Wonwoo's bed, just finished their good time together.

"I thought you're sleeping." Mingyu said.

"What?" Wonwoo asked.

Mingyu stared at the ceiling as he placed his arm at the back of his head, flexing his bicep at the same time. Wonwoo looked at those big guns and bit his lips. They just did it twice but Wonwoo already considered the third round that he's not sure he could handle it or not. His ass was still sore that he had to lay on his stomach.

"Next week is the mid-semester break."

Mingyu turned to the side and looked at his senior.

"I'll go home. Means that we're not gonna see each other for almost two weeks." Mingyu said.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere." Wonwoo replied.


Wonwoo turned to the side for a more comfortable position, facing Mingyu.

"No one home. My parents are busy with work, rarely at home. My brother already has his own house. The maids are there to not make it look like an empty house." Wonwoo answered.

"Maids? Like a lot?" Mingyu raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know. We all have one butler to help us. Seongsu is the name of my butler. He still comes here from time to time to clean my place."

" like you're rich?"

"I guess so." Wonwoo shrugged.

"So can you be my sugar daddy?" Mingyu joked.

Wonwoo looked at the boy and blushed. He grabbed the pillow and hit Mingyu with it. Mingyu covered himself as he laughed. Wonwoo scoffed and laid back on his stomach.

"You're not bored during the break?" Mingyu asked.

"I hang out with Jun sometimes. But since his boyfriend is here, he will be occupied with Minghao for the whole two weeks." Wonwoo stated.

Mingyu laid on his back and nodded. They both went silent for a while. Suddenly, Mingyu got an idea. He turned to Wonwoo again.

"How about you follow me to go home?"

Wonwoo opened his eyes, surprised. He didn't expect Mingyu would say that.

"Huh? What if I disturb your family time?" Wonwoo asked.

"It's fine. My parents love it when I bring my friends home. I usually would bring Minghao home because he rarely goes back to China. But since you said that he will spend his time with Jun hyung, I will go home alone this time."

"I-I'm not sure about it."

"Come on. It will be fun!" Mingyu said excitedly.

Wonwoo frowned as he thought about it. A whole two weeks with Mingyu at his house. Why did the idea make him nervous?

"Please~?" Mingyu pouted. Wonwoo looked at the boy and blushed.

"Okay fine. I'll go."


The two were standing in front of Mingyu's house as Wonwoo looked around. The outside of the house looked very warm and welcoming. It was a nice house, not too big, not too small. Perfect for a happy family. To get here, they took a train. Something that Wonwoo never experienced before. It was a peaceful one-hour trip and Wonwoo enjoyed it so much. Just the two of them, chatting about anything that came to mind.

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