Chapter 10

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That night was the last time Wonwoo saw Mingyu. It's been a week now. It's Mingyu's turn to ignore Wonwoo. The latter didn't reply to any of the messages Wonwoo sent. And Wonwoo was not the type to start a conversation, what more sent a message first. He knew this would happen. Mingyu left after he got what he wanted. The same old trick. Mingyu was exactly like his ex. Wonwoo fell into the trap twice. Why must he fall in love so quickly?

Wonwoo was at the library with his best friend, Jun. They were doing some revisions from the previous class. While both of them were busy reading, Jun looked at his friend. Wonwoo looked different.

"Are you okay?" Jun asked.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Wonwoo replied, eyes not leaving the book.

"You look... sad." Jun said and Wonwoo looked at him.

"I mean you always like this after the breakup. But for a while, you looked happy. You know, bright. Now, you're back to being sad."

"Is it that obvious?" Wonwoo frowned. Jun nodded.

"Okay...there's something I need to tell you. But please don't judge me. It was your idea after all." Wonwoo took a deep breath.

"What is it? Why is it my idea?" Jun gave his fullest attention to his best friend.

"Last time, you told me to give Mingyu a shot. So, that's what I did." And Jun nodded.

"But the thing is, I don't have a feeling for him. So, I tried another thing."

Wonwoo looked around before he beckoned Jun to come a bit forward.

"We become fuck buddies." Jun narrowed his eyebrows as his jaws dropped.

"See? You already judge me." Wonwoo said.

"No, I'm not. I'm just shocked. I didn't expect you to be like that." Jun defended himself.

"Then, what happened?" Jun asked, leaning forward.

"I used him to forget Seungcheol hyung. And I don't want to like him in the first place."

"But now... you are?" Jun asked.

Wonwoo was taken back by Jun's question. Was he that easy to read? He didn't like Mingyu in that way, right? Wonwoo just liked him as a fuck buddy because he's so good in bed. Jun folded his arms as he leaned backward.

"Go on."

"We got into a fight last week. It's my fault. I ignored him for two weeks and then just suddenly appeared in front of his place. He kept asking me why, but I didn't answer. And he got mad."

"And why did you ignore him?" Jun asked.

Wonwoo bit his lips. He didn't want to answer that. He wanted to deny this unknown feeling. Wonwoo looked down and fiddled with his fingers. Jun let out a sigh. Still with that ego. Jun thought.

"Look, you know it's your fault. So, go say sorry to him."

"No way. It will hurt my pride as someone older than him."

"Fuck your pride." Jun raised his voice.

He quickly covered his mouth after he realized they were in the library. They both slightly bowed at the students around them for disturbing the peace.

"Just say sorry to him. Nothing bad gonna happen." Jun repeated.


With a push from his best friend, here Wonwoo was, all by himself, standing in front of the engineering building. He didn't know how long he had been standing there, contemplating whether he should enter or not. Screw it. Wonwoo said to himself as he stepped into the building. Whatever happens, let it be.

F*ck Buddy (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now