Chapter 4

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Wonwoo arrived at his home after a tiring day of school. He went straight to his study desk and took out the sheet of paper that he wrote while in the class. Getting Better. This morning, the idea just came to him as he decided to pour it out in the class. Wonwoo felt like he wanted to give this to him. Let him read this and know how hurt Wonwoo was.

But that's the last thing he wanted to do. Meeting him. The idea itself scared him. What if he felt disgusted when he saw Wonwoo? Or even worse. What if he didn't remember Wonwoo anymore? Again with his overthinking.

Wonwoo threw himself on the couch as he let out a sigh. He got his sweater back, but he still couldn't forget the boy. It started to become annoying now. Damn you Mingyu. What spell did you put on me? Wonwoo thought. Maybe Jun was right. He should try with Mingyu. But Wonwoo didn't like him in that way. Plus, he's horny now because he didn't get laid for a very long time now. Maybe he should try that.


Mingyu widened his eyes as he looked at his phone. He got a message from Wonwoo. After a week of silence, he thought that Wonwoo didn't want to meet him anymore. But here they were with Wonwoo's request to meet up. Mingyu was so excited. Wonwoo wanted to meet him tonight at a restaurant. A café would be fine but a restaurant? What should Mingyu wear? How could he impress his sunbae? Would Mingyu still have a chance to try Wonwoo? There were so many questions inside his head right now.

But why Wonwoo wanted to meet him all of a sudden?

Later that night, Mingyu arrived at the said restaurant. He mouthed a 'wow' as he looked around. Pretty fancy. He went to the counter and told Wonwoo's full name. The waiter nodded and took him to a room. The waiter opened the door and Mingyu could see Wonwoo was already inside, waiting for him.

"Are you ready to order?" the waiter asked as Mingyu sat down.

Wonwoo nodded and made the order for both of them himself. He just ordered a bottle of red wine and that's all. The waiter left and Wonwoo looked at Mingyu, folding his arms. Mingyu copied the latter as he raised one of his eyebrows.

"So...after a week, you contacted me. Why?" Mingyu asked.

"Also, why did you just order wine? I'm pretty hungry right now." he complained.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. Before he could open his mouth, there's a knock on the door, and the previous waiter entered with a bottle of wine and a jug of water. He poured the drinks and Mingyu snatched the water first to quench his thirst. Wonwoo frowned a bit but quickly shrugged it off. The waiter left and Wonwoo faked a cough.

"Let just get to the point." He said before he took a deep breath.

Wonwoo tried to appear calm but deep inside he was hella nervous. Never in his life, he would do something ridiculous like this.

"The reason why I called you here is because I have a request for you."

"And what is it?"

"Be my fuck buddy." And Mingyu dropped his jaws.

Wonwoo started to panic because Mingyu didn't respond at all. After a few moments, Mingyu blinked a few times and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Are you agree or not to be my friend with benefits?" Wonwoo asked.

"Oh okay... Didn't expect that to come from you." Mingyu said as he started to blush.

"Yes or no?" Wonwoo mentally screaming at how stupid he sounded.

Please say yes. If not, it would be really embarrassing. Wonwoo mentally told Mingyu.

F*ck Buddy (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now