Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I'm no artist or painter or what. so don't judge me if the way I describe is wrong. I don't know how arts work.


Minghao slightly dipped his brush into Blue de France as he barely coated the upper part of his canvas. Taking another good look at the view in front of him, he reapplied the color onto the painting. Suddenly, his boyfriend came from behind and hugged him. Not to forget to kiss his head.

"What are you drawing?" Jun asked.

"A view from the balcony. For my assignment." Minghao replied, eyes still on the painting.

Jun looked at the drawing for a few seconds, admiring his boyfriend's talent. He then kissed him on the cheek.

"Want anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?" Jun asked as he retreated back inside.


A few moments later, Jun came back with two cups of tea and placed it on the glass table. Minghao stopped painting for a bit to sip the hot drink.

"So, is Wonwoo hyung doing fine? Is he still sad about the breakup?" Minghao asked. His attention back to the canvas.

"Yeah, last time he invited me to drink at his place. He cried." Jun answered.

"Well, I'll be like that too if I'm in his shoes." Minghao said.

"The last thing we can do is to be there for him. Give him support."

"Who is his ex?" Minghao asked.

"Choi Seungcheol from Pledis University. He's in the third year of architecture. He plays soccer if I'm not mistaken. The two met during Pledis versus our college."

"Why did they break up?" Minghao looked at Jun.

"Don't know. Wonwoo never told me."

"Wonwoo hyung must love him so much."

"Yeah...if Wonwoo fall in love, he loves with all his heart." Jun leaned against the chair.

"You look cute when you're focusing on your drawing." Jun changed the topic.

Minghao eyed him and Jun grinned.

"Wonwoo hyung met Mingyu a lot lately. I saw them in the café together." Minghao stated.

"Must be something going on between the two. But Wonwoo will tell me if something happens."

"And Wonwoo said that nothing happened the night Mingyu sent him home." Jun continued.

"Yeah, Mingyu also said nothing happened. He always shares his sex life with me." Minghao added.

"What if the two are together and they don't want to tell us?" Jun sat straight.

"Mingyu doesn't like string attach and Wonwoo hyung still can't get over his ex. So there's no way."

Jun shrugged as he finished his tea. He didn't know what to do with the two anymore. He just didn't want Wonwoo to get hurt again.


The class done for the morning schedule and the two best friends were heading to get lunch together. They sat at the cafeteria's table with food in each other's hands. Halfway through eating, Jun looked at his friend. Wonwoo looked bright today. He seemed to be in a good mood. Usually, the latter always went around with his discontented a.k.a resting bitch face.

"Did something good happen to you lately?" Jun asked.

"Nothing. Why?" Wonwoo raised his eyebrow.

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