Chapter 26: She's Colder Than the Winter Breeze

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Author's Note:

So so sorry for missing last Thursday! I was in the middle of finals week and I'm glad to say I'm finally finished with this semester! I had to take a week off to finish all of my assignments and exams. I hope you enjoy this week's chapter! Thank you so much for your continued support.

"I...I... think we should go somewhere.... together this weekend." Feitan's soft, soothing voice was the only thing ringing in your head.

You remembered how your heart began to race and your face began to flush as you braced yourself for what would come after the "I". Yet mostly due to embarrassment and anxiety, Feitan never said what he wanted to.

"Come with me somewhere. We can spend some time alone away from the city."

It came as a surprise to you, as you were usually the one suggesting where to go on dates, but it seemed as if he was excited to take you away for a few days. You didn't hesitate to use another sick day to skip work tomorrow, and you had the weekend off already. This was the first time you actually didn't want to work. The world and all it had to offer outside of the lab was so much more enticing now.

As you paced around your apartment deep in thought, a soft knock on the door brought you back to your senses. You quickly made your way to unlock the door and drew a deep breath before opening it.

"A romantic getaway with Mr. Dreary! It's so exciting you're finally getting out of town a little more!" Hina loudly sang as she threw herself on your couch, ignoring any and every object that was on it.

"I was surprised when he asked. He doesn't seem like the type to want to go anywhere unless it's for work." You added quietly.

"Work?" Hina said lifting an eyebrow. She had many redeeming qualities, and one of them was that as much as she joked around, she never truly judged anyone. She was always too concerned about her own life and she understood that she didn't know everything there was to know about a person or their decisions in life.

Yet something made her nervous whenever you spoke about your mysterious companion and whatever activities he was involved in. Hina knew you were smart, you were no fool, but if you were too deeply involved with someone and they ended up being something like a criminal, she had no idea how this would end for you. The best she could do was trust you, however, and this came from a place of endearment.

"He's not a model citizen I know. But none of us are really. There's just something about him...I know he could never hurt me like that. him." It amazed you just how easily these words rolled off your tongue, you didn't hesitate for a second.

"You took the day off tomorrow, right? Just be careful, you don't want the boss to give you a warning about attendance. You already have a tardy issue" she chuckled, diverting the subject of the conversation.

"Yeah, I know. Honestly, I haven't been up to going to work lately. I don't know it's odd, I don't feel like my heart's in the right place anymore when it comes to that." You replied, staring off at the empty space in front of you. Ever since you met the black-haired thief, your heart longed for more out of life. More adventure, more spontaneity, more thrill.

You could feel an overwhelming feeling of excitement as you thought about spending the weekend away with him, and that was the beauty of him. You never knew what to expect. Yet you also knew that it was way more than an adventure for you. What was this feeling of warmth and happiness you felt whenever you thought of him? Your mind was so often filled with the image of him, his infrequent smile, and the sound of his laughter.

"You know, I think you love him," Hina said in the most serious tone she had.

It was getting colder in Yorknew City as the end of the year was approaching. Feitan loved the cold, having spent his youth in a desert city where it was always scorching hot. As he walked through the streets he would occasionally spot a woman with the same hair color as yours, and for a second, his heart would skip a beat. Yet the familiar feeling of your warm aura was absent, and he knew it wasn't you.

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