Chapter 42: The Blood that Stains My Wretched Heart

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Meteor City, 13 years ago

Despite training tirelessly day in and day out, Feitan could not match Uvogin's strength in battle nor Chrollo's unparalleled whit in combat. He was smaller, shorter, and leaner than the rest of the boys in his crew. At this point, even Pakunoda and Machi were taller than him.

He knew he lacked something, and although he was quick, probably faster than everyone else, he knew it wouldn't be enough to best the strongest enemies in battle. His hatsu was strong, sure, but he needed a secret weapon, something that could guarantee victory in battle if he was ever cornered or outnumbered.

"I know what you seek." Shalnark hovered over the tired and beaten Feitan. Shalnark trained occasionally, but he preferred to strengthen his mind with knowledge.

"What?" Feitan spit out some blood, a gift from the punch Uvogin had delivered when sparring with him. Uvogin never took pity on anyone weaker than him, and he took Feitan on as an equal. He never held back, and Feitan was grateful for that.

Shalnark kneeled to close the distance between them. As the dust settled around them, he said "I've heard whispers of it on the street sometimes, and I didn't know if they were just rumors or it was something that could actually happen. I was able to confirm it from a book I bought from a traveling merchant a few months ago."

Feitan nodded, demonstrating understanding. He waited for Shalnark to continue. He began to slow down his breaths, the adrenaline from the fight began to slow as well.

"It's called a Nen contract. Chrollo and the others know about it. It's possible they may have already done it for themselves, but I am not entirely sure."

"What is it...this...Nen contract?" Feitan asked, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"It's extremely complicated. It works differently for each user, but the basics are mostly the same. You create a contract with yourself and your nen, with conditions and requirements. Some people must ask to put their lives on the line to exchange for strength or a stronger hatsu, while with others you may need to sacrifice something important to you."

He contemplated the sacrifice he had to make when preparing for making his own nen contract. What was the most important thing to him? Did his life even matter to him? He only wanted to live to spite everyone who had attempted to murder him, or who had wished death on him.

When creating his contract, Feitan could not offer his life in exchange, and because his resolve was not a specific one, but a general will to live, he had to give up what was most dear and special to him. Feitan had no money, no valuable possessions, and the only thing he had to sacrifice was the living memory of his mother.

The remaining reminder that his mother died when he was little, and her dying words. It was all he had left to give. At that moment, he knew he had to. He could keep her memory, and live his life being weak and inferior to everyone else.

He gripped the concrete, tears streaming down his face. The acid rain that fell from the heavens did not even phase him. He could feel his mind growing blank, the last picture of his mother in his head fading.

"Goodbye. I'll meet you again someday."

This was how Feitan came to grow unbelievably strong abilities. He sacrificed the only thing he had left to give, and with that, he gave up the last bit of love and humanity he had left.

Until he met you.

You never saw your mother as anything but completely devoted to your father. You would always see her cooking his favorite meals, even when he had been gone for months. She only ever spoke of him, and she always left his side of the bed made neatly.

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