Chapter 39: Misery Knows No End

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                                             accompanies two

                      perhaps it is eternal,

                               perhaps it is their downfall

                        all I know


                              it loves company

Feitan sat on the pavement, ignoring his surroundings. He ran his hand on the cover of a certain book. Its cover was smooth, with your handwriting on the other side. It was the book that had so fatefully brought you two together that day so many months ago. Unbeknownst to you, he had taken the opportunity to swipe it just before he left for good.

You noticed it was gone when you packed your things in a hurry. It wasn't like you assumed that Feitan had taken the time to steal it, you thought it didn't hold any significance to him.

But it did. He was never the type to keep sentimental value with any objects, or even people, but this was his exception. He opened the cover of the book, revealing a Polaroid picture he took of you a month prior to his leave. His thumb ran over your face, and he felt an intense pang of sadness.

"Who's that?" Nobunaga towered over Feitan, as he was standing right over him. Feitan quickly slammed the book shut and turned away.

"Not your business." He sneered.

"Dang Feitan, I wasn't expecting your whole life's story. I was just asking about the girl in the picture." Nobunaga chuckled, crossing his arms intently.

"We don't ask about...frivolous things," Feitan said as he stood up.

"Oh, so she's frivolous?" Nobunaga replied.

Much to Nobunaga's disappointment, Feitan did not reply. He just stared quietly at the street in front of him.

"Come on, let's go." Feitan finally spoke, his tone as empty as the byway surrounding them.

Nobunaga was not his least favorite member to work with, but he certainly wasn't his favorite. They often argued, and they were constantly in disagreement.

"I don't know the details of the job. I was just told to meet at this address." Nobunaga turned a piece of paper around, handing it to Feitan.

"What do they want from us?" Feitan glanced at the taller man next to him.

"Beats me" He replied, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

When they arrived at the address on the paper, they hesitated at the front door. It was a large, dark building with towering double doors. An enormous man stood guarding the entrance.

"What business do you have?" The large man called out to Feitan and Nobunaga.

"We're here for a job," Nobunaga replied, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword very carefully.

"Oh, you're the two men we're expecting." The man relaxed slightly and reached for the handle of the door. It creaked loudly as it opened.

"So it seems" Nobunaga mumbled.

"Here, he'll take you to the boss." The guard handed them off to another, even larger man. His arms were so big they had no sleeves, no shirt could possibly be big enough for them.

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