Chapter 34: The Undeniable Truth

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It was odd, it's like he didn't want to hurt me. I know he's supposed to be your enemy, but I can't help but feel bad for the guy."

You sat beside Feitain on the couch, leaning against him as he caressed your hair.

"Don't say that. It would...make me angry to feel bad for him." He grumbled.

"I'm just kidding...but still it was like I knew he wouldn't hurt me."

"I don't care! He kidnapped you! Don't be...foolish!" He snapped, obviously bothered at how quickly you had recovered from your encounter with the blonde chain user.

"Is this think he's handsome?!" He blurted; his cheeks emblazed with the softest blush.

"Don't be an idiot. I know you're not being jealous of my kidnapper."

His eyes narrowed, but your expression did not change.

"I'm just pointing out that there are a lot of...odd things about him. I could feel it."

There was nothing but silence between you. You turned around to face Feitan and looked away to avoid meeting your eyes.

After coming face to face with the infamous chain-user, you couldn't help but feel underwhelmed. It was not that Kurapika lacked strength or intimidation, he had more than enough of that. He was not what you had imagined him to be. You always wondered what this mysterious person would be, considering he was enough to make the Phantom Troupe uncomfortable.

What you didn't know is that while Kurapika was hellbent on avenging the unjustified murders of his family and village, he knew he had gone too far at that point. He felt repulsed by you, but so much so he couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't look away.

Yet as much as you ironically thanked him for sparing you, you could not forgive him for stealing your ability from you.

You shuddered as you remembered just how useless you were now.

"What will I do now?" you asked as you looked up, placing your hand softly on Feitan's pale cheek.

"With what?" He replied softly.

"I'm nothing but a burden to you now. Not that I was much help before least I could defend myself. I can't hold my job any more now that I've lost my Nen..." you no longer met his gaze, and you pulled your hand away.

You could feel your nose tingly, and as much as you tried to help it, you could not hold back your tears.

"No-" Feitan began but he stopped his words as soon as he saw you still had more to say.

"I can't live a life by your side like this. Everything's changed."

"Nothing has changed." He growled, his eyes burning a deep lavender, bordering on a grey hue.

"Fei..." your cheeks glowed with the moisture from your tears, and you still could not look at him.

"You know you can't stay in Yorknew forever. The kind of life we would have if I left this city with would have been possible before but now...I would only hold you back."

There was a small feeling deep inside of you that wished he would tell you that he would abandon his way of life to live peacefully, away from all of this. No, it was not a small feeling, it was the only thing you wanted him to say. You knew that deep down inside this was the only way you two could be together now that you had your only strength taken from you.

You would never be able to follow him without having your abilities. He would spend the rest of your lives trying to protect you, he would never be able to take care of himself. You felt so angry, so helpless at that moment as you watched the man in front of you think. Suddenly all you could think of was how strikingly beautiful he was. His features were augmented by the gloominess of the weather outside, his raven hair a deep contrast to his porcelain skin.

As you both sat there in silence, hearing the rain begin to fall increasingly harder on the windowpane, you suddenly realized that he would never make such a decision. He would never leave his life for you, idiot. Your face became flushed, and angry rouge even, as you knew exactly what words would come out of his mouth.

"You're right."

These were words, sounds that bore a hole straight into your heart. As proud as you were, these words stung so much you felt as if you couldn't breathe anymore. You had prepared yourself for such, but it had not been enough time. No amount of preparation could ever quell this horrendous pain.

Feitan knew better than to sit there and go back and forth with you. You were right. Although this did not make you any less miraculous to him, you were now a completely ordinary woman. But yet, there was no way the two of you could ever live life together.

He had already thought of (almost) every possible outcome. Say he stay in Yorknew City, it would not be long until the Association and every member of law enforcement was onto him, and eventually, you would be implicated as well. This would not be a viable option. If he were to take you with him everywhere, how long would he be able to protect you? How long until his life of dangerous crime catches up? It would take just one slipup for you to be lost to him forever. He would not be able to involve you in this way of life if you lack the ability to defend yourself.

Even if he left you behind in the city and came back whenever he could to be with you and the child you were carrying, who would protect you while he was away? His notoriety as a criminal would most undoubtedly lead to your death.

In his mind, he knew that the only way you could remain safe and alive was to sacrifice all his hopes of happiness with you. By separating himself forever from you.

Feitan had a way of shutting his emotions off when he absolutely needed to. There was little more to be done in this situation. As he could see yourself unraveling before his very eyes, he could feel nothing, because he knew if he let himself do so he could never walk away.

It was the most difficult decision he had ever had to make, and as he stood up he knew he couldn't look at you.

"Feitan!" You stood up with him, you could feel yourself shaking.

"Please! I-I LOVE YOU. Please don't go...I need you...please"

He continued to walk away, shaking his arm free from your grasp. He wanted, so desperately to look back and hold you, and never let go, but he knew that he had to shut himself off from you to do the right thing.

"After today..." He began, his back turned to you and his hand on the door handle "you will never see or hear from me again."

His tone was soft, not angry but monotonous. You had not heard this tone of voice since you met him, and he felt nothing for you but indifference. But this was not the case, his heart yearned for you. He felt so broken, so enraged that he could not do anything but leave, forever.

"No..." you sobbed, grasping at the floor underneath you.

"I thought you loved me" you wailed. You did not care in the least bit for your pride anymore.

The door shut behind him, and your crying intensified.

"I do" he whispered, but it was too low for you to hear.

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