Chapter 20: How Much I Missed You

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"The way you screamed! That made my day." Feitan teased, laughing freely as you walked along the streets of the city.

You had spent the past two hours shrieking at what you thought was the scariest movie you had ever seen, while Feitan didn't even bat an eye. He enjoyed the way you easily spooked at the most predictable moments, as they brought you closer to him. The entire time while watching the gore and violence he only reflected on how much more brutal his actual experiences were.

"Hey! That's not fair! It was really scary!" You were shivering, you didn't think it would be so cold tonight. You only brought a light jacket with you.

He was quick to notice as he promptly took his parka off and offered it to you. He didn't even say a word, he just looked away expecting you to take it off his hands.

"Oh it's okay really, I don't want you getting cold!" you smiled back at him watching him furrow his brow in frustration.

"No, take it. You get sick if not." He insisted, pushing his coat closer into your arms.

"Fine! Thank you" you giggled, putting it on.

As you walked along the sidewalk, you watched a drunk couple walking in the opposite direction, embracing, kissing sloppily. They didn't seem to care what was in front of them. The man accidentally ran into you, falling over as he lost his balance. You fell to the floor and into a large puddle, as it had rained the night before. Your clothes began to feel damp, and it felt so cold next to your skin.

"Watch where you go fucking idiot!" Feitan snapped at the man on the floor, not noticing his frightened companion.

"Fei, it's okay." You began to stand, but the black-haired man was quick to help you. He paused to think as you shook excess rainwater off.

"This is the first time she's called me Fei. Only my closest friends call me that. it."

As the inebriated man and woman clumsily ran off into the night, you quivered as you were freezing; the cold air and being soaked to the bone were not a good combination.

"Come on. Let's get you home." Before you could reply, he swept you off your feet, carrying you so easily as if you were a child.

"Hey! Give me a warning!" you called out, but you felt his arm around you grip you harder.


The walk back to your place was brief, Feitan was quick on his feet. He was worried that you would catch a cold if you were out too long in this state.

Running up the stairs you remembered how carefully he handled you each time he carried you. His hands were always firm but soft.

As he placed you down at the entrance of your apartment, you fished around your pocket for your key. After unlocking the door, you waited silently for him to follow you inside but he didn't.

"Aren't you going to come in?" You asked as you turned around to face him.

He had never been happier to hear you say these words. He'd been hesitant to come inside, as he wasn't sure if it was acceptable considering the limitations in your "friendship". It worried him to some extent that there was the possibility that you would never want to be his again.

You began to take off his parka, which was wet from falling in the water. You revealed underneath a thin white long sleeve shirt that was transparent from being damp. He could see your bra, and he looked away when he noticed him staring.

It had been a while since the last time he had a taste of you. He instantly thought of your beautiful naked body, the way he held you so tightly when you were all his. "I'm such a pervert I need to calm down or else she'll probably ask me to leave."

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